Déliberation annuelle après rattrapage
Schedule of the second semester Make-up Exam
Deliberations Of the second semester
الامتحانات الاستدراكية السداسي الأول ماستر1 تصميم المحيط
ابتداء من يوم الأحد 27/06/2021
Schedule of the first semester Make-up Exam
Typical correction second semester 2020-2021
Timetable for exams for the second semester 2020-2021
Schedule of Remedial exam for semester 3 -master2
Deliberations Of the first semester
Department of Arts, in coordination with the university-formative research project
Intersection of the Arts in Changing Times: The Mechanisms of Consciousness and the Strategy of Practice
In cooperation with the Laboratory of Arts and Cultural Studies.
Organizes the second national forum:
May 19, 2021.
Timetable second semester 2020-2021
أعمال طلبة الماستر تخصص تصميم
Typical correction:
النقد الفني للسنة الثانية ليسانس فنون تشكيلية
الفن المعاصر للسنة الأولى ماستر فنون تشكيلية
مدارس الفن التشكيلي السنة الثالثة فنون تشكيلية
السنة الثالثة فنون تشكيلية تحليل الأعمال الفنية
The history of ancient art, the first semester.
Module : l’histoire de l’art antique.
-Module : Silent cinema, common core.
-Module: methodology, master 1 theatre.
-Module: cultural anthropology, master 2 theatre.
-Module: foreign language, master 1 theater.
-Module: foreign language, master 2 arts.
الإجابة النموذجية النقد السنيمائي ماستر
Timetable of exams, first semester 2020-2021
امتحانات السداسي الأول ماستر1 تصميم المحيط
Timetable for the first semester 2020-2021
استعمال الزمن ماستر تخصص تصميم المحيط
List of students, master 2 - Maghrebian theater -
List of students, master 2 – plastic arts -
List of students, License 1- per –group-
List of students, License 2- per –group-
Form link for Third year students who are graduating this year
and who wish to enroll in the master's phase for the academic year 2020-2021
Schedule of the 2019-2020 Make-up Exam
The typical correction of the exam, module - Analysis of works of art-.
The typical correction of the exam, module - fine arts schoo-.ls
The typical correction of the exam, module - analysis of speech-
Third Year Theater, sixth semester
Second year, Plastic arts-second semester-
Second year, Plastic arts-second semester-
Final deliberations of the first semester 2019-2020
Second year License - Plastic arts
Second year license - Dramatic arts
Third year license - Plastic arts
Third year license - Dramatic arts
1st year Master - Maghreb Theater
1st year Master - Plastic arts
Timetable of remedial exams for the third semester –Master-
Email of the professors of the arts department.
“shaining Art” Club
On March 10, 2020, the “shaining Art” Club organized a huge and varied cultural activity to present the club and its goals. Where the students of the department presented theatrical performances, and there are three performances, religious songs, thoughts and poems to cultivate the talents of the students of the department and integrate them in an educational and entertaining activity and under the supervision of the teachers and the chief from the arts department.
The students of the Arts Department presented a play entitled "Forgive me, mother," at the theater of the Arts Department after the presentation of the monologue, in the presence of the dean of the faculty and the teachers and a large gathering of students. Some students also wore traditional clothing as an expression of their joy for Women's Day.
On the morning of March 9, student Mazyoud Ayoub presented a monologue entitled "Deviation", in which he participated in the National Festival of Monologues in el Wadi. Where he got the best role for men. The show was at the theater of the Arts Department.
The Arts Department organized, on the occasion of Women’s Day and under the supervision of Dr. Khawani, A human development course presented by Mrs. Bouazzaoui under the title the female unconscious.

On the occasion of women's day
Today, March 8, 2020, the Arts Department of the Faculty of Letters and Languages organized a visual arts exhibition for professional artists and students of the department and under the direction of Professor Gallil Sarah. The exhibition, which is open all week, brought together a large number of students and professors from various faculties on its first day.
Timetable of remedial exams for the first semester -2019/2020-
Result first semester 2019-2020
notes des modules déliberation
L2 -plaqtic art L2 -plaqtic art
L2 -dramatic art L2 -dramatic art
L3 -plaqtic art L3 - plaqtic art
L3 - dramaticart L3 - dramatc art
M1 plastic art M1 plasticart
M2 plastic art M2 art plastic art
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
Abu Bakr Belkaid University - Tlemcen
Artistic and cultural studies laboratory
As part of the scientific research project: PRFU
The first study day around:
"The role of the visual arts in the revitalization and activation of heritage"
April 07, 2020.
Under the slogan: "Together to appreciate the local heritage"
Celebration of International Women's Day and Internationa
l Day of People with Special Needs
From March 08, 2020 to March 15, 2020
The head of the arts department announces the organization of a study day on the feast of the martyrs, on February 18, 2020.
"The reality of the liberation revolution in Artistic work: Forms of practice and work references".
Schedule of late exams for absent students with justification
Schedule of the art Department second semester 2019-2020
Schedule of Exam Papers Consultation of the first semester,
Typical corrections
Module: art history-first semester-.
Module: Aesthetics, common core of the arts.
Module: Philosophy of art, plastic arts.
Master 1: Algerian plastic art.
First year, common core of the arts: sociology of art.
Second year master: Copyright and creativity.
Second year master: Modern and contemporary art.
The schedule of exams-first semester- 2019-2020
Photos of cultural seminars organized under the title of "interactive seminars" at the Arts Department.
Training photos for the second year drama students, at the regional theater, Sidi Bel Abbes, December 17, 2019, module the art of artistic representation.
Schedule of the art Department first semester 2019-2020
- رابط مجموعة قسم الفنون جامعة تلمسان
- حامل المواءمة جذع مشترك
- حامل المواءمة تصميم المحيط
- حامل المواءمة مسرح مغاربي
- حامل المواءمة فنون تشكيلية
- جذع مشترك فنون .معدل
- السداسي الثالث والرابع للفنون الدرامية مصحح
- السداسي الثالث والرابع فنون تشكيلة