Schedule of the art Department S1 2018-2019
Final deliberations of the Department of Arts after the remedial exams
The deliberations - trunk commun -
The deliberations -Second Years of the Visual Arts-
The deliberations-Second Years of the Dramatic Arts-
The deliberations- third year arts visuals-
The deliberations- first year Master in visual arts-
The deliberations - first year Master Maghrebian Theater-
Results of the second half, trunk commun / all modules
The deliberations - trunk commun -
Results of the Second Semester -Second Years of the Visual Arts- /all modules
The deliberations -Second Years of the Visual Arts-
Results of the Second Semester -Second Years of the Dramatic Arts-/all modules
The deliberations-Second Years of the Dramatic Arts-
Results of Second half - third year arts visuals-/all modules
The deliberations- third year arts visuals-
Results of the second semester - first year Master in visual arts-/all modules
The deliberations- first year Master in visual arts-
Results of the second semester - first year Master Maghrebian Theater-/all modules
The deliberations - first year Master Maghrebian Theater-
Timetable of remedial exams second semester 2017-2018
The typical response of the module "The science museums"
-Fourth semester, plastic arts-
The typical response of the module "Oral expression"
Second semester, first year trunk common-
The typical response of the module "contemporary art"
The typical answer of the module "the cinematographic history"
The typical response of the module "the methodology of writing the memory of end of study"
-Sixth semester, plastic arts-
The typical response of the module "research methodology"
-Sixth semester, plastic arts-
The typical response of the module "the history of talking cinema"
The typical response of the "Theatrical Space" module
-Second semester, Master Maghrebian Theater-
Planning for the return of points and deliberations
The typical response of the module "Modern Art"
The typical response of the module "Arab-Islamic art"
- Second semester Master 1, plastic arts-
Photos of the exhibition of the students’ work.Arts department - third year plastic arts-
On the occasion of the feast of the student
Photos from the theatrical play "The Dream of Massoud", which was presented, at the Arts Department in the theater workshop.
Presented by the student "Bahlil Faycal" -first year Master Maghrebian Theater-
On the occasion of celebration of the student's festival.
On: 09 May 2018.
Faculty of Letters and Languages
Department of the Arts
On the occasion of the feast of the student May 19, 1956
A theatrical performance and an exhibition for art students
On: 09 May 2018. (The theatrical performance is staged at the Theater Workshop and the gallery in the hall of the faculty)
Photos of the third doctoral workshop, organized by the Department of Arts.
Time schedules for the second semester exams
Faculty of Letters and Languages
Department of the Arts and Laboratory of Anthropology of Religions
Organize a Study Day
'' Anthropology and Art. ''
On: May 09, 2018.
The Head of Arts Department informs PhD students that the third doctoral workshop
about: “The scientific document: its theoretical foundations and its practice”, will take place on April 24, 2018.
The chief also noted that the presence is obligatory.
Note: Any unjustified absence is the responsibility of the student.
Timetable of remedial exams first semeste2017-2018
Photos of PhD Soutenance of researcher Professor “Qarziz Muammar”
Title of the thesis:” the aesthetics of the barbaric symbol in Algerian plastic art”
The thesis committee was composed of:
Dr. Tarchaoui Belhadj, from the University of Tlemcen: chairman
Dr. Mohammed Khaldi, from the University of Tlemcen: the supervisor
Dr. Maarouf, from the University of Tlemcen: member.
Dr. Tammer Naoual, from ORAN University: member.
Dr. Kahli Aamara, University of Mostaganem: member.
On March 7th, 2018, in the viva room
Faculty of Languages and literatures
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University of Tlemcen
Faculty of Letters and Languages
Arts Department
The third doctoral workshop
“The scientific document: its theoretical foundations and its practice.”
April 24, 2018. At arts department.
In room no. 03 from 9 am
The advertising card for the workshop
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University of Tlemcen
Faculty of Letters and Languages
Arts Department
A plastic exhibition on the occasion of World Women's Day
And the World Day for People with Special Needs
From Tuesday 06 March to Tuesday 13 March 2017

Schedule of arts Department-second semester-
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University of Tlemcen
Faculty of Letters and Languages
Arts Department
“Laboratory of Arts and Cultural Studies”
First National Forum on:
“Dramatic writing in Algeria-Reality and prospects-”
On February 20, 2018
Time schedules for the first semester exams
Photos of the activity of acting workshop, which was held in Arts Department
On Wednesday, December 6th 2017 with the director and artist -Jahid eldinne Hanani-
The Arts Department invites all students to attend the workshop of art of acting, which will be presented by the director “Jahid elddin Hanani” from Sidi Bel Abbes
On Wednesday, December 6th 2017 starting at 10 am, at the Theater workshop
Head of Department
It is brought to the knowledge of new LMD PhD students specialized on “studies in plastic arts and theater criticism” that they are invited to attend the meeting to be held on Monday 27/11/2017 at 10:00 in viva room.
- رابط مجموعة قسم الفنون جامعة تلمسان
- حامل المواءمة جذع مشترك
- حامل المواءمة تصميم المحيط
- حامل المواءمة مسرح مغاربي
- حامل المواءمة فنون تشكيلية
- جذع مشترك فنون .معدل
- السداسي الثالث والرابع للفنون الدرامية مصحح
- السداسي الثالث والرابع فنون تشكيلة