Information 21-09-2016

Latest news of Arabic language and literature department 2016-2017



نتائج دراسة ملفات الماستر
2018 - للموسم الجامعي 2017





استعمال الزمن للسداسي الأول 2017-2018



محضر المداولات النهائية للسداسي الثاني 2016-2017


السنة الأولى جدع مشترك


السنة الثانية دراسات لغوية

 السنة الثانية دراسات أدبية


السنة الثالثة دراسات أدبية

السنة الثالثة لسانيات تطبيقية

السنة الثالثة لسانيات عامة



نتائج إمتحانات السداسي الثاني 2016- 2017


السنة الأولى جدع مشترك


السنة الثانية دراسات لغوية

 السنة الثانية دراسات أدبية


السنة الثالثة دراسات أدبية

السنة الثالثة لسانيات تطبيقية

السنة الثالثة لسانيات عامة



ماستر 1 أدب عربي حديث و معاصر   

ماستر 1 لسانيات تطبيقية

ماستر 1 لسانيات عربية

ماستر1 نقد حديث و معاصر


محضر المداولات للسداسي الثاني 2016-2017


السنة الأولى جدع مشترك


السنة الثانية دراسات لغوية

 السنة الثانية دراسات أدبية


السنة الثالثة دراسات أدبية

السنة الثالثة لسانيات تطبيقية

السنة الثالثة لسانيات عامة


ماستر 1 أدب عربي حديث و معاصر   

ماستر 1 لسانيات تطبيقية

ماستر 1 لسانيات عربية

ماستر1 نقد حديث و معاصر




استعمال زمن الامتحان الاستدراكي :السداسي الثاني 2016-2017



فتح باب الترشح للماستر برسم الموسم الجامعي 2017-2018




افتتاح الدورة الثامنة والثلاثون (38)

للجـــنـــة الجـــامعية الوطنــــية

ملف الترشح



إعـــــــــلان لطلبة السنة الثانية ماستر

نعلم جميع طلبة ماستر المقبلين على مناقشة مذكرة التخرج أن العملية تجري كما يلي :

  • بعد مناقشة المذكرة يوضع محضر المناقشة مصحوبا بشهادة الإبراء وشهادة إيداع المذكرة على مستوى مصلحة الدراسات
  • المذكرة توضع في المكتبة مصحوبة باستمارة التصويت ممضاة ومختومة من قبل الأستاذ المشرف ورئيس اللجنة المناقشة ليتمكن الطالب من استلام الشهادتين.
  • تحمل استمارة التصويب من موقع الكلية.


استمارة تصويب

مذكرة الماستر



إعلان لطلبة الماستر السنة الثانية


نلفت انتباه جميع طلبة الماستر لقسم اللغة والأدب العربي أن مناقشة مذكرة التخرج ستتوقف تزامنا مع انطلاق امتحانات السداسي الثاني التي ستبدأ يوم الاثنين 08/05/2017 إلى غاية يوم 16/05/2017،


لذلك وجب التذكير



Tuesday talk 25/04/2017



Tuesday talk 18/04/2017



Tuesday talk 11/04/2017





The family of Department of language and Arabic literature has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the brother of the Colleague 

Prof. SELMI Mahfoud

The family of faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.




 2017 -2016 استعمال زمن الامتحان :السداسي الثاني



اعلان لطلبة الدكتوراه 



على طلبة الدكتوراه (مختلف التخصصات) التقرب من نيابة رئاسة القسم ابتداء من يوم الأحد 30 أفريل 2017 ، لاستلام تكاليف مراقبة امتحانات السداسي الثاني التي ستنطلق بحول الله يوم الاثنين 08 ماي 2017 ، لذلك وجب التنبيه.

رئيس القسم



 Tuesday talk 25/04/2017



محضر مداولات الإمتحانات الإستدراية للسداسي الأول  2016-2017



 السنة الاولى جذع مشترك

 السنة الثانية دراسات لغوية

 السنة الثانية دراسات أدبية

ماستر 1 أدب عربي حديث و معاصر

ماستر 1 لسانيات تطبيقية

ماستر 1 لسانيات عربية

ماستر1 نقد حديث و معاصر

ماستر 2 علوم اللغة 

ماستر 2 لسانيات

ماستر2 أدب عربي

ماستر2 نقد أدبي حديث و معاصر



Deuxième année : Les études littéraires




الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية

وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي

جامعة أبي بكر بلقايد–تلمسان-

كلية الآداب واللغات


اليوم الدّراسي الوطني الأول حول


تدريس اللسانيات في الجامعة الجزائرية باللغة العربية بين الواقع التربوي والضرورة العلمية


يوم الثلاثاء 02ماي2017


وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي

جامعة أبي بكر بلقايد–تلمسان-

كلية الآداب واللغات

الملتقى الدول الثالث حول:

مناهج البحث في اللغة والأدب


يومي 22-23 نوفمبر 2017

استمارة المشاركة


الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية

وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي

جامعة أبي بكر بلقايد–تلمسان-

كلية الآداب واللغات


تنظم شعبة الدكتوراه في الأدب الجزائري الحديث والمعاصر بالتنسيق مع مخبر الدّراسات الأدبيّة والنّقديّة المغاربيّة ومخبر الدراسات الأدبية واللغوية الأندلسية:

يوما دراسيا وطنيا في موضوع:

الرواية الجزائرية من التأسيس إلى التجريب


24 أفريل 2017 



إعلان لجميع أساتذة القسم

-         عـــــــــاجـــــــــــــــــــــل - 

   نُعلم جميع أساتذة القسم أن مناقشة مذكرة الماستر:

  • لا تتم إلا بعد إيداع الطالب لأعماله الفردية ونشاطاته العلمية خلال العام الجامعي 2016-2017 وقد خصصنا محضرا لذلك.
  • المناقشة تتم في قسم اللغة والأدب العربي.

تنبيه : جميع أساتذة القسم ملزمين بمحتوى هذا الإعلان، لذلك وجب التذكير



محضر مناقشة المذكرة



Tuesday talk 18/04/2017



واجهة مذكرة الماستير الجديدة




Tuesday talk 11/04/2017





The family of Department of language and Arabic literature has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the uncle of the Colleague 

Prof. Abdelkrim Lotfi

The family of department (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.




Doctorate Soutenance 12-03-2017



Announcement of Doctorate Soutenance 12-03-2017



Timetable of remedial exams first semester: 2016-2017




Arabic language and literature department 

Club promising writings

Celebration of Women

On Tuesday, 07 March 2017, at 14:00, at the amphi 08.



Announcement of Doctorate Soutenance 07-03-2017


Result of the first semester deliberation 2016-2017

first year

Second year: language studies

Second year: Literary studies

Third year: Literary studies

Third year: Applied Linguistics

Third year: General Linguistics


Results of the exams -First semester-: 2016-2017


First Year common trunk

Third year: Literary studies

Third year: Applied Linguistics

Third year: General Linguistics

Second year: language studies

Second year: Literary studies


Master 1: Modern and Contemporary Arab Literature

Master 1: Applied Linguistics

Master 1: Arabic Linguistics

Master 1: Modern and Contemporary Criticism

Master 2: Language Studies

Master 2: Linguistics

Master 2: Arabic Literature

Master2: Modern and Contemporary Literary Criticism



Tuesday talk 28/02/2017


Tuesday talk  21/02/2017



Tuesday talk  21/02/2017



Announcement of Doctorate sustenance 22/02/2017




The family of Department of language and Arabic literature has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the mother-in-law of the Colleague 

Prof. Maliani Mohammed.

The family of department (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.






Laboratory of Statistical Analysis in the Humanities to develop a uniform glossary.

Laboratory of the renovation of Arabic grammar.



The fourth joint national study day.

The scientific efforts of the researcher Abd EL Djalil Murrtad in language and literature



Tuesday talk 14/02/2017



Tuesday talk 07/02/2017


Tuesday talk 31/01/2017





Timetable to the doctorate's students all specialities



Tuesday talk  07/02/2017


Announcement to Doctoral Students

It is brought to the knowledge of PhD students that their presence at the seminar "Tuesday's debate" is obligatory.

The Head of the Department.




Tuesday talk  31/11/2017



Announcement of Doctorate Soutenance


The head of Arabic language and literature department announces the doctorate sustenance of the researcher

"Ammayer Mohammed"

On the subject: "Grammatical thinking in the direction of Qur'anic readings until the fourth century Hegira"



Announcement of Doctorate Soutenance


The head of Arabic language and literature department announces the doctorate sustenance of the researcher

« Fatima el Zahra Djannane »

On the subject: "The Crisis of Islamic Civilization in the Novels of Naguib al-Kelani"


إعـــــــــــلان للزملاء الأساتذة

البرنامج المفصل لكل مادة



نعلم جميع الزملاء الأساتذة عن جاهزية البرنامج المفصل لمواد الليسانس و الماستر على موقع الكلية، كما يمكن سحبه من مكتب ميدان اللغة والأدب العربي الطابق الأول ، لذلك وجب التنبيه .

تلمسان في 18 يناير 2016
  رئيس القسم





Timetable second semester : 2016-2017.





Guide to the writing of the graduation memory.






The family of Department of language and Arabic literature has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the sister of the Colleague 

Prof. Amara Hayat

The family of department (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.



Conduct of examinations

Correct and re-correct exam papers and consulting notes




Timetable of first semester exams: 2016/2017




Sustenance of magister TUESDAY December 6, 2016



إعلان لطلبة دكتوراه (ل م د )

لسحب جداول مراقبة امتحان السداسي الأول

يرجى من طلبة   الدكتوراه (ل م د) ، الاتصال بنيابة  قسم اللغة و الأدب العربي لسحب جداول مراقبة الامتحانات للسداسي الأول التي ستنطلق

 يوم الأربعاء 04  يناير إلى غاية يوم 16 يناير 2017

  لذلك وجب التنبيه.

  رئيس القسم       



إعلان لجميع الأساتذة قسم اللغة و الأدب العربي

 سحب جداول مراقبة الإمتحانات

يرجى من جميع الزملاء الأساتذة ، الاتصال بنيابة رئاسة القسم لسحب جداول مراقبة امتحانات السداسي الأول  .


   رئيس القسم


كشوف العلامات

    نلفت انتباه جميع أساتذة القسم أن صبّ علامات  فروض السداسي الأول في دورته العادية (نظري و تطبيقي) يكون في كشوف نقاط ورقية معدّة لهذا الغرض، و هي جاهزة و متوفرة حاليا ، و يتمّ تسلّمها من رئيس القسم ( و تُعاد إليه ) .


رئيس القسم



Announcement of sustenance of magister


The head of Arabic language and literature department announces the sustenance of magister of the researcher JAMAI NOURIA that it will take place on TUESDAY December 6, 2016 at 10: 00

On the subject: "Literary text in the contemporary monetary perspective"


The Sustenance Committee consists of:


Dr. Abd el Kader ben Aizza of the University of Tlemcen: President.

Dr. Laarabi Lakhder of the University of Tlemcen: the supervisor.

Dr. Sidi Mohamed Ben Malek of the University of Tlemcen: member

Dr. FARSSI Hocine of the University of Tlemcen: member




University of tlemcen

Faculty of languages and literatures

Arabic language and literature departmen

Club promising writings



The ceremony of the birth of Prophet Mohammad (ALMAWLID ALNABBAOUI)

  • * "read and high" Contest for Tajwid the Koran on Monday, December 5, 2016 1:00 pm at the Room of the sustenance.
  • * The award ceremony to the winners accompanied by singing links and poetry readings, on Tuesday 6 December, 2016 at 10:00 at the amphi 08.



 Important Dates


We remind the professors of Arabic language and literature department of the pedagogical deadlines programmed for the end of semester 1 of the current academic season, which is as follows:

* Winter holidays: Thursday 15 December 2016 to Monday 02 January 2017.

* The applied examinations of the modules concerned take place in the sessions of the tutorials from Monday 04 December 2016 to Wednesday 14 December 2016.

* Theoretical examinations for the first semester session (ordinary), Wednesday 04 January 2017 to Tuesday 10 January 2016.

* The beginning of the courses for the second semester: from Sunday 15 January 2016.


Date                                                                                 activity

From 04 January to 11 January 2017                 Theoretical examinations for the first semester

25 January 2017                                                     the delivery of points

01 February 2017                                             The deliberations of the first half.

From 07 to 09 February                                      catch up exam.

12 February 2017                                                     delivery points (catching)

 15 February 2017                                                    The deliberations (catching up)



Announcement of Doctorate Soutenance


The head of Arabic language and literature department announces the doctorate sustenance of the researcher HOURIA KADRI that it will take place on Sunday December 4, 2016 at 10: 00, registered in the section of "criticism and inimitability"

On the subject: Linguistic speech and bilateral and reception texts (practical studies in Koranic studies)


The Sustenance Committee consists of:


Dr. Mohammed Abbas of the University of Tlemcen: President.

Dr. Mohammed Meliani of the University of Tlemcen: the supervisor.

Dr. Bouali Abd El Nasser of the University of Tlemcen: member.

Dr. Douisse Of the university center of NAAMA: member.

Dr. Mohammed Ben Chérif of the University of TIARAT: member.

Dr. Nour El Dinne Zeraddi of the University of ORAN: member.


Announcement to the students of Arabic language department.

It is brought to the knowledge of students’ department that the justification of absences will be in accordance with Article 28 of Ministerial Resolution No. 711 dated November 03, 2011, where you should raise the justification within department services in the three days (03) - the days of actual work - following the date of absence at the TD or TP.

If this term is completed, the justification is unacceptable. In the case of justification submitted by the intermediary or the consignment or by fax, the stamp of the post office is proof.




Club promising writings

The opening activity: level of changing.




Tuesday talk 16/11/2016




Second International Forum on Arabic Language Teaching for Non-native Speakers



Announcement to New Doctoral Students L MD


It is brought to the knowledge of new LMD PhD students that they are invited to attend the meeting to be held on

Thursday, November 24, 2016 at 9:00 am in the Conference Room, the Vice Rectorate Faculty of Medicine

The presence is obligatory for all students concerned.



Tuesday talk


The head of Arabic language and literature department has the honor to you invite you to attend the scientific conference of a theme of

“Tributaries of the explanatory term”

presented by Mr. Sidi Mohamed  Ben Malek ",

Tuesday 22novembre2016 at 10.00 in the auditorium 08.





The family of Department of language and Arabic literature has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the father of the Colleague Prof. Dr. Yakkota Amhammed.

The family of department (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.




Announcement of Doctorate Soutenance on 14 November 2016.



Tuesday talk

 The head of Arabic language and literature department has the honor to you invite you to attend the scientific conference of a theme of

“Controversial issues in language and methodology”

presented by Mr. Abdel Kader Salami ",

Tuesday 15novembre2016 at 10.00 in the auditorium 08.




Tuesday talk Novemberth 08  2016 




Announcement to New Doctoral Students L MD


It is brought to the knowledge of new LMD PhD students that they are invited to attend the meeting to be held on

Tuesday 15 November, 2016 at 10:00 in viva room.

The presence is obligatory for all students concerned.




University of tlemcen

Faculty of languages and literatures

Arabic language and literature department 

Sub-Directorate for cultural and sports activities

Club promising writings


The opening activity: level of changing.


 On Monday, November 14 th 2016, at the internet room, first tranche, 10:00.




Tuesday talk


The head of Arabic language and literature department has the honor to you invite you to attend the scientific conference of a theme of

“The foundations of research methodology”

presented by Mrs. "Badria Safir", Tuesday 08 novembre2016 at 10.00 in the auditorium 08.



Tuesday talk: October25th 2016.




 The report of training committees meeting - PhD -

Arabic language and literature domain.


Final list of candidates admitted to the PhD competition: 2016-2017.

The schedule for the Ph.D. competition: 29 octobre2016.



Tuesday talk


The head of Arabic language and literature department has the honor to you invite you to attend the scientific conference of a theme of

"Confusion in the Arabic language"

presented by Mr. Elhaddi Chérifi,

Tuesday 25 octobre2016 at 10.00 in the auditorium 08.




Tuesday talk (report)


The Arabic language and literature department knew Tuesday, 10.18.2016, the official start of the conference “Tuesday talkwith a theme of "the art of listening and pronunciation of speech."

This conference was presented by the following teachers:

-Dr.Abdelkader Sellami,

Dr.Tahar Kotbi,

Dr.Warda Mahsser,

Professor Chomicha Belmaddah,

Professor Laila Homani.

With the presence of a group of teachers, many of Master students, Interveners talked about the notion of pronunciation and listening to the speech.

They also spoke of etiquette of listening, focusing on the role of listening in the collection of knowledge based on the Quran and the Hadith and experts in human development.




Invitation to participate in the cultural activity “Tuesday talk”


Teachers of Arabic language and literature department, who wish to attend in the cultural activity "Tuesday talk", are required to complete the administrative form to set the schedule of cultural activity.

The proposed topics:

-Methodology Of academic research: the exact title will be determined (October, November).

- Mechanisms of approaches to text analysis (December, January, February, March, April).

A special theme of events:

-The celebration of November 1st: The first week of November.

- El Mawlid Ennabaoui Echarif: The first week of December.

- International Day of Arabic: The second week of December.

- The Women's day: The first week of March.

- The National Day of knowledge: the second week of April.

- A special theme of Arabic language.

-A special theme for doctoral students.

-A special theme to editions of teachers and their creations.




PhD Soutenance


The student Aaba Siham sustained her doctoral thesis under the title

"literary and cultural interaction of Arab-Islamic civilization in Andalusia, »

in the Arabic language and literature department at the University of Tlemcen.

The aim of the thesis was to study the cultural interaction between the different groups that formed the Andalusian society. In addition to the detection of the impact, that occurred at that time.

The thesis committee was composed of:

Dr. Mohammed Abbas, from the University of Tlemcen: chairman.

Dr. Ahmed Dakar, from the University of Tlemcen: member.

Dr. Zain Eddine Mokhtari, from the University of Tlemcen: member.

Dr. Mohammad Saadi, from the University of Mostaghanem: member.

Dr. Balia Bagdad, from the university center of Naama: member.

Dr. Abd el Kader ben Aizza, from the University of Tlemcen: the supervisor.

In the end, the defense committee decided to award the PhD degree for the student Aaba Siham with honor.



Tuesday talk


The chief of the Arabic language and literature department has the honor to invite you to attend the scientific conference on a theme of

"the art of listening and pronunciation of speech"

on Tuesday 18 octobre2016 at 10.00 in amphitheater 08.





Doctorate (PhD) contest 2016/2017


Major axes for the review




Topics of master researches 2016-2017




Timetable for the academic year: 2016-2017.


   List of groups for first year student.




The official opening of academic year 2016-2017


The Arabic language and literature department held a ceremony to mark the official opening of the academic year 2016/2017, on Sunday 09/04/2016; in the presence of the chief department, professors and students.

Mr. Head of the department, D. Meliani Mohammed spoke in his speech on the development of scientific research and technological development and increase the level of student education. Then, Professor ABD EL KADER Salami has highlighted in his typical course, elements of the issuance of the Arabic language in the context of globalization; and focused his speech on the importance of scientific research and the foundation of its success.

Then, Professor Omar Didouh has traveled in the worlds of the Arabic language and the specificity of the study at universities worldwide.

Professor Nasser Belkhiter also mentioned the importance of scientific research and the modalities of its success, showing the importance given to the Arabic language by the research laboratories.






Invitation to teachers and students


On the occasion of the new academic year 2016/2017,there will be a live broadcast of the ceremony presided over by his Excellency the minister of higher education and scientific research ;where will be presented the inaugural lecture of the year:”Ethics of scientific research». ON Sunday 18th September , at the auditorium of the university, the center of downtown. .




Names of students selected for registration in master –first year-:2016-2017




downloading arabe letter départment

 تصريح شرفي

البرنامج المفصل لكل مادة



مواد الدراسات الأدبية
مواد الدراسات اللغوية
 - استمارة الرغبة دراسات أدبية
استمارة الرغبة دراسات لغوية
مخطط التربص الأكاديمي والميداني
ترخيص بإيداع مذكرة التخرج
-نموذج إعلان عن موعد مناقشة مذكرة الماستر

كشف التنقيط و المتابعة

 - نموذج إعلان عن موعد مناقشة رسالة علمية دكتوراه / ماجستير

- استمارة التربص

رخصة تسجيل موضوع الدراسات العليا

استمارة واجهة الأعمال الفردية

 بطاقة الترشح للماستر

دليل تحرير مذكرة الماستر 

استمارة تصويب مذكرة الماستر

 مذكرة مقدمة لنيل شهادة الماستر في اللغة والأدب العربي

البوابةالوطنية للإشعارعن الأطروحات  

استمارة تسجيل موضوع المذكرة

استمارة تقييم الأعمال الفردية

بطاقة تقييمية لمذكرة الليسانس

محضر مناقشة مذكرة الماستر


واجهة مذكرة الماستر الجديدة

 رخصة تعديل موضوع ماستر (ل.م.د) 

تصريح شرفي

خاص بالالتزام بقواعد النزاهة العلمية لانجاز بحث

Methodology for reading books.

The guide for writing the license thesis.

An evaluation card of license thesis for the supervisor.

An evaluation card of license thesis for the professor discussing.


 Participation form in cultural activity