Information 21-09-2017

Latest news of Arabic language and literature department 2017-2018



نعلم طلبة السنة ثانية ماستر كل التخصصات الذين لم يناقشوا مذكراتهم بعد، أنه تم فتح دورة  ثانية للمناقشة بدءا من 02سبتمبر إلى غاية 30 سبتمبر 2018 وكل تخلف عن عن هذا الموعد يجر صاحبه إلى تكرار السنة و إعادة التسجيل
 لذلك وجب التنبيه



final  deliberations of the Second Semester 2017-2018


first year

 Second year: language studies

Second year: Literary studies

Third year: Literary studies 

Third year: Applied Linguistics

Third year: General Linguistics







The family of Department of language and Arabic literature has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the brother of the Colleague 

Belmeddah Soumicha

The family of faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.




It is brought to the attention of second-year master students that they are invited to present and placed their individual work at the department Vice President (room 02), Wednesday, June 20th, 2018 to Sunday, June 24th, 2018, from 9.00 to 12.00.




 Timetable of remedial exams second semester 2017-2018



 Results of the Second Semester 2017-2018


The deliberations first year  /   all modules

The deliberations Second year: language studies  /   all modules

Second year: Literary studies / all modules

Third year: Literary studies /  all modules

Third year: Applied Linguistics /   all modules

Third year: General Linguistics /   all modules


The deliberations - first year Master Modern and Contemporary Arab Literature    /   all modules

The deliberations - first year Master  Applied Linguistics    /   all modules

The deliberations - first year Master Arabic Linguistics   /   all modules

The deliberations - first year Master  Modern and Contemporary Criticism    /   all modules




Students of the Department of language and Arabic literature are invited to present at the Faculty Monday, June 4, 2018, from 10:00 am to review point in the following modules:

Modernity in Arabic literature -D. Yakutat-

Arabic poetry -D. Lotfi-

Marginal literature -D. Benjmaine-





Time schedules for the second semester exams



The cover page for the form of individual work.





The family of Department of language and Arabic literature has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the mother of the Colleague 

Sidi Mohamed TORCHI

The family of faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.



Preliminary results for Master's students


Modern and Contemporary Arabic Literature- First Semester-

Modern and Contemporary Arabic Literature- Third Semester-

Applied Linguistics- First semester-

Applied linguistics- third semester-

Arabic Linguistics- First semester-

Arabic linguistics- third semester-

Modern and Contemporary Criticism- First Semester-

Modern and contemporary criticism- third semester-



Tuesday talk 24/04/2018(annoncement)


Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

University of Tlemcen

Faculty of Letters and Languages

Research Group: Intellectual and Cultural Studies in the Islamic Maghreb

Research Laboratories (L.L.C)


National Forum


Thursday, May 3, 2018

At the laboratories -new pole-.


"Algeria: travel and travelers in the modern and contemporary period".




Declaration of honor

on the respect of the rules of scientific integrity for the completion of the research.




Evaluation form for individual work.

Evaluation form for the license's memory.

The report of the debate.




Tuesday talk 17/04/2018(annoncement)


Announcement to students: Master 1


It is brought to the attention of first-year master students that they should download the registration form to register the subject of memory for the next academic year 2018-2019 from the website of the faculty and must also contact the professors of the department to complete this process.

Note: The form will be completed and placed at the department Vice President (room 03), the Tuesday, March 20, 2018 to Thursday, April 26, 2018, which is the deadline



Tuesday talk 20/03/2018(annoncement)





Tuesday talk 27/02/2018(report) 

Tuesday talk 27/02/2018(annoncement)


Permission to change the subject of the Master (L.M.D)



Tuesday talk 20/02/2018(report)

Tuesday talk 20/02/2018(annoncement)





Results of the first semester exams 2017/2018

Master 1: first semester

Arabic Literature

Applied Linguistics

Arabic Linguistics

Modern and Contemporary Criticism

Master 2: third semester

Modern and Contemporary Arab Literature

 Applied Linguistics

 Arabic Linguistics

 Modern and Contemporary Criticism



Tuesday talk 13/02/2018(report)

Tuesday talk 13/02/2018(annoncement)


Announcement to teachers

Teaching Committee of the department

In order to complete the programs planned for the end of the academic year, teachers are invited to attend the meeting of the Pedagogical Committee of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature.

Wednesday, February 14th, 2018.

 At 10:00 AM, in the viva room.



 The cover page for the memory of master- Arabic language and literature –



Exam results of Third year Arab literature -semester 5-



Tuesday talk 06/02/2018(report) 

Tuesday talk 06/02/2018(annoncement)


Tuesday talk 30/01/2018(report) 

Tuesday talk 30/01/2018(annoncement)


Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University Abu Bekr Belkaid
Faculty of Languages and literatures

Promising Writing Club

The first seminar on:

"Hajj Abdul Rahman Saleh and his efforts in modern linguistics lesson"


Tuesday, March 06th, 2018


On Tuesday, March 06, 2018/18 Jumada II 1439

At the conference room at Department of Foreign Languages Pole II

Starting at 9 am


Your presence is our honor









The cover page for the license memory


The cover page of the educational document for teachers



Note to all permanent and temporary department professors.
Results of the first semester exams

In order to complete the teaching tasks of the first semester of the 2017/2018 academic year, we draw the attention of all our professors to the need to implement the following measures:

* Examination notes (theoretical and applied) must be submitted in the first semester score sheets prepared for this purpose, and must be received by the registrar's office.
* Deadline for returning points is Sunday, January 28, 2018.
* Students are informed of the standard answer and the punctuation for each exam, and allowing students to see their answer (articles 35, 36 and 37 of the Decision n ° 711 of 03/11/2011 which sets the common rules for organization and management of pedagogical studies University for the license and e master)

We ask all colleagues, teachers to take into account the procedures above, and to respect deadlines.



Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University Abu Bekr Belkaid
Faculty of Languages and literatures

Doctoral training committees:

Linguistics and didactics of languages.
Phonetic and language course levels
      Arabic grammar

In coordination with the laboratories:

Statistical analysis in the human sciences under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Abdul Jalil Mortad

Modern Arabic grammar: under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Abdel Nasser Bouali

Linguistics Research Unit (Tlemcen)


First national forum on

The reality of image in Arabic language books for the second generation of primary education

Monday, March 05th, 2018




Schedule of Arabic language and literature department -second semester-





PhD Soutenance of researcher Professor Ben Meddah Semisha
on Wednesday 20/12/2017

The researcher Professor Ben Meddah Semisha sustained her doctoral thesis under the title

"Literary and monetary movement in Algeria since the foundation until the end of the sixth century AH."

in the Arabic language and literature department at the University of Tlemcen.

The thesis committee was composed of:

          Dr. Mohammed Murtad, from the University of Tlemcen: the supervisor

            Dr. Mohammed toul, from the University of Tlemcen: chairman

            Dr. Mohammed Zamri, from the University of Tlemcen: member.

            Dr. Sheikh Boukraba, from ORAN University: member.

             Dr. Semisha Gharbi, from University of Sidi Bel Abbes: member.

  1. Soumaya Hattari, of the Ain Temouchent University Center: member.




Timetable of first semester exams: 2017/2018




Conduct of examinations

A reminder of laws




Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University Abu Bekr Belkaid
Faculty of Languages and literatures
Laboratory of Terminology

Statistical and analytical study in the human sciences and the realization of a unified dictionary

The term of modernity, its essence and its manifestations in modern and contemporary Arabic literature»





Tuesday talk 19/12/2017(report) 

Tuesday talk 19/12/2017(annoncement)




Call for PhD students of the specialty: modern and contemporary literary criticism

It is brought to the attention of doctoral students of “modern and contemporary literary criticism” specialty (old and new) that they are invited to attend the meeting to be held on Monday 18/12/2017, at the viva room, at 10:00 pm.

Presence is necessary and obligatory


the chief of the section



Tuesday talk 12/12/2017(report)  

Tuesday talk 12/12/2017(annoncement)



Call for PhD students of the specialty "modern literature"

It is brought to the attention of doctoral students of “modern literature” specialty (old and new) that they are invited to attend the meeting to be held on Monday 12/11/2017, at the Office of the Scientific Committee at 10:00 pm.

Presence is necessary and obligatory
the chief of the section



Report on the fourth international forum "Research Methods in Language, Literature and the Arts".




The Arabic language and literature department will host the researcher - Khalid al-Yaboudi -from University Mohammed V in Rabat, Morocco to host a conference on "Relationships between literature and language" at 8:30 on Monday 27/11/2017 in the auditorium 4.



Tuesday talk 21/11/2017(report) 

Tuesday talk 21/11/2017(annoncement)




It is brought to the attention of the new doctoral students LMD for the academic year 2017/2018 that they are invited to attend the meeting to be held on Wednesday 22/11/2017, At 10:00 in viva room.





The family of Department of language and Arabic literature has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the mother of the Colleague 

Meliani Mohamed

The family of faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.



Tuesday talk 07/11/2017(report) 

Tuesday talk 14/11/2017(annoncement)



Tuesday talk 07/11/2017(report) 

Tuesday talk 07/11/2017(annoncement)



The schedule of the doctoral competition: November 04, 2017



Tuesday talk 31/10/2017(report) 

Tuesday talk 31/10/2017(annoncement)



Announcement to teachers

View Article 24 of Resolution 711, teachers are informed that they should take into account student absences.



Tuesday talk 24/10/2017(report)

Tuesday talk 24/10/2017(annoncement)



Invitation to participate in the cultural activity "Tuesday talk"

Participation form in cultural activity






The family of Department of language and Arabic literature has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the brother of the Colleague 

Prof. Dali Salima

The family of faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.




The family of Department of language and Arabic literature has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the father of the Colleague 

Prof. Didouh Omar

The family of faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.




Lists of students admitted to Master 1- 2017/2018-




Schedule of the Arabic language and literature department

downloading arabe letter départment

 تصريح شرفي

البرنامج المفصل لكل مادة



مواد الدراسات الأدبية
مواد الدراسات اللغوية
 - استمارة الرغبة دراسات أدبية
استمارة الرغبة دراسات لغوية
مخطط التربص الأكاديمي والميداني
ترخيص بإيداع مذكرة التخرج
-نموذج إعلان عن موعد مناقشة مذكرة الماستر

كشف التنقيط و المتابعة

 - نموذج إعلان عن موعد مناقشة رسالة علمية دكتوراه / ماجستير

- استمارة التربص

رخصة تسجيل موضوع الدراسات العليا

استمارة واجهة الأعمال الفردية

 بطاقة الترشح للماستر

دليل تحرير مذكرة الماستر 

استمارة تصويب مذكرة الماستر

 مذكرة مقدمة لنيل شهادة الماستر في اللغة والأدب العربي

البوابةالوطنية للإشعارعن الأطروحات  

استمارة تسجيل موضوع المذكرة

استمارة تقييم الأعمال الفردية

بطاقة تقييمية لمذكرة الليسانس

محضر مناقشة مذكرة الماستر


واجهة مذكرة الماستر الجديدة

 رخصة تعديل موضوع ماستر (ل.م.د) 

تصريح شرفي

خاص بالالتزام بقواعد النزاهة العلمية لانجاز بحث

Methodology for reading books.

The guide for writing the license thesis.

An evaluation card of license thesis for the supervisor.

An evaluation card of license thesis for the professor discussing.


 Participation form in cultural activity