Events 08-09-2018

Latest news of the faculty 2018-2019




خلية الإشراف لقسم اللغة و الأدب العربي


استقبال طلبة السنة الأولى






ليكن في علم جميع الطلبة و الأساتذة لكلية الآداب و اللغات، جميع المستويات، الراغبين في الانخراط بالمكتبة ،

التقدم إلى المكتبة ابتدءا من 15/09/2019 مصحوبين بالوثائق التالية:

  • صورتان شمسيتان
  • نسخة من بطاقة التعريف الوطنية
  • نسخة من شهادة التسجيل و شهادة العمل بالنسبة للأساتذة
  • رقم الهاتف و البريد الإلكتروني إجباري.


ملاحظة: تجديد البطاقة بالنسبة للمنخرطين



حفل اختتام السنة الجامعية   2018- 2019و تســـليم الشــهـــادات







« Le retabledes merveilles »


Du 15 septembre au 15 octobre 2019




ملخص المذكرة

الصدمة الثقافية و التكيف للطلبة الدوليين:جامعة تلمسان نموذج للتنوع الثقافي.

El choque y la adaptación en los estudiantes internacionales:

La Universidad AbouBekr Belkaid de Tlemcen, un espacio intercultural.


Résumé Pr. Zerrouki Saliha




نعلم اساتذة و طلبة كلية الآداب و اللغات عن عرض شريط وثائقي حول تراث مدينة قرطبة بحضور المخرج الأستاذ بوعبدالله يوم الثلاثاء 09 جويلية على الساعة الخامسة و النصف بقصر الثقافة عبد الكريم دالي إمامة. مع العلم بتنظيم جلسة نقاش بعد العرض.

حضوركم شرف لنا




العضوية باللجنة العلمية لمجلة الآداب واللغات
الأساتذة الأفاضل
باب العضوية في اللجنة العلمية لمجلة الآداب واللغات مفتوح لكل الباحثين،فالرجاء من المهتمين التفضل بملء الاستمارة في المرفق،وإرسالها عبر بريد المجلة:
رئيس تحرير مجلة الآداب واللغات
د.محمد ملياني








حرصا منها على مشاركة أوسع في الملتقى الوطني  حول أنثروبولوجيا اللباس الذي كان محددا انعقاده سلفا بتاريخ 17 وَ 18 جولية 2019 ، قرّرت اللجنة اللتنظيمية لذات الملتقى تمديد تاريخ انعقاده إلى يومي 02 وَ 03 أكتوبر 2019 ، على النحوالتالي:

  • آخر أجل لتلقي ملخصات المشاركة يوم 08/09/2019  عند الساعة 00 ليلا
  • ردّااللجنة العلمية بالقبول أو رفض المشاركة في الملتقى يكون يوم 15/09/2019

المشرف العام لتنظيم الملتقى

أ.د محمد موسوني




Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique

Université Abou Bakr Belkaïd-Tlemcen

Faculté des Lettres et des Langues

Laboratoire de recherche L.L.C

Dialogue des cultures et des civilisations

dans l'Espace euromaghrébin :


 l’impact de la mobilité dans la construction d’une identité maghrébine


Colloque national

06 novembre 2019

(Site des 30 labos/Nouveau Pôle/la Rocade)



Faculty of Languages and literatures

Laboratory of Anthropology and Comparing Religions

Organize a national forum on:


“Anthropology of clothing.”


On: 17 and 18 July 2019


Argumentaire en arabe

Argumentaire en espagnol






The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the mother of the Colleague 



The family of the faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.






The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the father of the Colleague 


The family of the faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.





Call for contribution for the special issue of the Journal multilingual Ellic /

Studies of languages, literatures and cultures


Choice and language changes in multilingual contexts

Sociolinguistic and socio-didactic perspectives





The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of  the Colleague 

ABOURA Abdelmadjid

The family of the faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.




The visit to the Hospice of Tlemcen


On May 5, 2019, students from the French Department of the Faculty of Arts and Languages organized a visit to the Tlemcen Hospice, in order to create a fun family atmosphere in the center of L'hospice, as well as symbolic gifts to the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan.





Student Lounge and New Strategies

Tuesday, April 23


            The Department of Arts and in cooperation with the National Organization of the Voice for Algerian Students and under the supervision of the “Tor Stage “ organization , organized the student's fair on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at the Faculty of Arts and Language. Where we highlight the participation of: Oran University of Economics, Tlemcen Business Schools, Algeria's Higher School of Hospitality and Catering, as well as university clubs and houses specialized studies in educational guidance and the best national and international foreign language schools.

We also noticed the active participation of the ULT of Tunisia, and the centers of information and communication technology.

            The participation of this momentum of private and public high schools has enriched the passion of university students encouraged by such initiatives, as well as the interest of students in Arabic literature for foreign languages, and the interest of students of the arts to of programming technology and computing.

            The professors of the university were impressed by the high level presented by the participants of the show for the benefit of the students who participated actively in the workshops held on the sidelines of the show until 16:30.





On Monday, April 22, 2019,

            STOFLISH Club of the English Department organized a Cultural Activity about improving speech ‘skills in front of audience.

            It was a successful activity with the presence of many professors from English department specially: the head of the department Mr. Bassou, Mr. Mohadjer, Mme. Morro in addition to professor Mangouchi, the supervisor of the club.

            The activity was well received by students and there was a great ambiance between them and club members.




Clean-up campaign

On Sunday, April 21, 2019,

            Students of Arabic language and literature and arts student organized a clean-up campaign including all parts of the two departments.

            The head of Arabic language and literature appreciated the initiative,

and he took photos with student involve in the initiative.



On Wednesday, April 17, 2019, students from the Al Amal Club of the French Department of the Faculty of Arts and Languages organized a clean-up campaign including all parts of the faculty: departments, lecture halls and the library, where the campaign was well received by students who worked hard to clean up their faculty.

               The university president also received the president of the club and appreciated the initiative and highlighted the provision of all possibilities to encourage students to these initiatives.




Tlemcen Research Unit - The Reality of Linguistics and the Development of Language Studies in Arab Countries

Translation Section - University of Tlemcen



A scientific seminar on:

"Translation and tourism development"


Tuesday, April 30, 2019


In the conference room at the Department of Foreign Languages

From 9am






Abou Bekr University of Tlemcen
Faculty of Letters and Languages

Department of Arabic Language and literature


Laboratory of Andalusian literary and linguistic studies

In collaboration with the Arts Department and the Spanish Language Section


Second national forum


«Poetry and architecture in Andalusia

  The collection of poetry of alhamraa »


April 28, 2019

Conference Room, Department of Languages


Participation form







Abou Bekr University of Tlemcen
Faculty of Languages and literatures.

Laboratory of: Multilingualism, literary expressions and cultural interactions

Second national forum


Algeria: travel and travelers “


Participation form


Thursday, May 2, 2019

Site of 30 Laboratories- New Pole



Abou Bekr University of Tlemcen
Faculty of Letters and Languages




Study Day March 20, 2019


Representation of the socity in the contemporary French Algerian novel




Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Abou Bekr University of Tlemcen
Faculty of Letters and Languages



The International Congress


Dynamics of languages, discourses and cultures in the Mediterranean context


November 11 and 12, 2019


Registration form



Commemoration of the day of martyrdom

The club of the pen organized a training session to introduce the club committees with the presence of Mr. Bachir Ahmed, special supervisor of the club of the Faculty of languages and literatures.

February 18, 2019: in Room B7 -Letter Arabic Language and literature Department -.





Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Abou Bekr University of Tlemcen
Faculty of Letters and Languages


Research Laboratory L.L.C

 PRFU Teams

A Study Day on :


Gender, language and identity in (post) colonial Algeria


Wednesday, March 13, 2019
(At 30 laboratories building)




Activity February 12, 2019

At: 1.30 pm

            The club of the pen organized an educational activity led by Professor Ali Saadi, Room B7 in the Department of Arts.

            Fourteen students from different educational departments attended the activity in addition to the drawings on plain paper.

This educational activity is cyclical every Monday and every 15 days, with the supervision of the professors in the arts department.





Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Abou Bekr University of Tlemcen
Faculty of Letters and Languages


Research Laboratory L.L.C

in collaboration with the PRFU research team

A Study Day on :

Incorporating e-learning platforms
in Higher education to support ESP teaching

March 19, 2019
(Site des 30 laboratoires/Nouveau Pôle)



Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University of Tlemcen
Faculty of Letters and Languages

Laboratory: L.L.C

“Migration dynamics in the context of globalization:

state and perspectives of study”



Monday, March 18, 2019

Site of 30 Laboratories- New Pole


Organized by the laboratory L.L.C

In collaboration with the PRFU projects "Migrants, migrations and contemporary alterations facing the

Globality "(University of Tlemcen) and" Languages and Media "(University of Mostaganem). 




Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University of Tlemcen
Faculty of Letters and Languages

French department, Spanish section

Laboratory: L.L.C and Spanish section


A study day


“Hispano-Algerian bilateral relations”


Under the supervision of Dr. SAHARI Hafida

Thursday, February 28, 2019




Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University of Tlemcen
Faculty of Letters and Languages

Laboratory: L.L.C



“Languages and Media in Algeria: Challenges of Diversity in the Digital Age”


February 25, 2019

Site of 30 Laboratories- New Pole


Organized by the laboratory L.L.C

In collaboration with the PRFU projects "Migrants, migrations and contemporary alterations facing the

Globality "(University of Tlemcen) and" Languages and Media "(University of Mostaganem). 




Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University of Tlemcen
Faculty of Letters and Languages

Laboratories : L.L.C & FLPATP
Languages and Literature

The Use of Literature in Enhancing Foreign Languages Teaching

A Study Day
April 11th, 2019

Site of 30 Laboratories- New Pole





Abu Bakr Belkaïd-Tlemcen University

Faculty of Languages and literature

LLC Research Laboratory


“Speeches, space (s) and mediation (s) in the face of globality:

Uses and multidisciplinary perspectives »



03 and 04 décembre 2019

Extension de date

La nouvelle date limite pour l'envoi des propositions de participation est fixée au 10 juin 2019.




The classification of the magazine of literature and languages faculty in the universal classification of the “Arabic Citation & Impact Factor “،



 telecharger document


Events of December 11, 1960

In commemoration of the events 11 December 1960, The Faculty of Languages and literatures, represented by its cultural clubs, took part in the cultural and historical exhibition organized by the University of Tlemcen at the Central Library. With the distinguished presence of Mr. the Wali of Tlemcen and the military and civil officials of the wilaya as well as the president of the People's Assembly of the wilaya and the members of the National People's Assembly and the president of the university and deans of faculties.

The club of the pen has organized a large exhibition of drawings and Arabic calligraphy and brought together a large group of students and journalists.




first event 'movie projection and debate'


In the 27th November 2018, at the main auditorium of the Letters and languages faculty of Tlemsen's  Abou Bakr Belkaid University, STOFLISH organized their first event 'movie projection and debate'. The movie called 'Wonder' which was about a kid having a deformed face making him struggling to face the society. Audience watched the movie then after attended the debate where they could have free books as gifts for their correct questions. It was a successful event with the presence of students from different majors.



The Pen Club 

The Pen Club with the service of Cultural and Sports Activities of the Faculty of Languages and literatures organized Monday, November 26, An Artistic and Cultural Activity on the Occasion of the birth of the prophet, where the members of the club presented an exhibition of traditional cakes and henna and competitions on the biography of the prophet and the sartorial traditions celebrating his birth.






University Abu Bekr Belkaid
Faculty of Languages and literatures

Arabic language and literature department

Sub-Directorate of Cultural and Sports Activities

Club of pen

"Celebration of the Algerian revolution"






The family of Department of language and Arabic literature has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the mother in law of the Colleague 


The family of faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.





The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the mother of the Colleague 

Rahoui Houcine

The family of the faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.




On the morning of Wednesday, November 14, 2018, the handball teams of the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Languages and literatures played in the finals of the Abou Bakr Belkaid Championship and ended with the victory of the team of Faculty of Science, but the performance was heroic. Two players from the Faculty of Arts and Languages have been selected to join the university handball team.



First aid training course

UGEL: student organization


The student organization UGEL organized a first aid training course in cooperation with “the Civil Protection Directorateof Tlemcen at the Faculty of Languages and literatures on 13 November 2018

A large group of students, workers and teachers attended the event, because of its importance and the good organization of the student organizers of the activity.





ONEA: student organization


The National Organization of Algerian Students, branch of the arts department has opened a subscription to the artistic contest to select the best works for short film and theater in honor of the late Sghiri Fawaz

The process took place at the Department of Arts - Faculty of Languages and literatures - the morning of November 13, 2018





Tlemcen participated in the national championship for the March in the mountains 4th edition, organized by the Higher School of Economics in Oran on 08-09-10 November 2018;

under the slogan of "living together in peace".

  The delegation consisted of Abu Bakr Belkaid University, the Graduate School of Management, and Tlemcen University Services Branch.

About 50 universities and national schools at the national level attended the event, which equates to 500 participants from different categories of students, professors and university leaders from different national universities.

The visit ended at 2 pm on a 14 km mountain trail through the old district of Sidi El Hawari, where students received explanations on the history of the region and some archaeological sites.





Supervision cell activity

Open Day for arts students- Common Core-




Announcement of an intellectual sports competition

To participate in the final session of the chess game that will have organized at the University of Constantine on 12 and 13 December 2018.


The service of cultural and sports activities of the Faculty organizes a sporting and intellectual competition in the chess game, Monday, November 12, 2018; from 11.30 am ;In order to select the best candidates to participate in the national sports tournament mentioned above.


 The service of cultural and sports activities of the Faculty of Languages and literatures organized the qualifying competitions for the national chess tournament that will be organized at the University of Constantine on 11 and 12 December 2018; at the Faculty of Languages and literatures,  on

November 12, 2018.

With the participation of women in qualifications.




To the family of the deceased



We received with great sadness and sorrow the news of the death of the late, the director of the University of Tlemcen, the professor


In this difficult circumstance that we express in our name and on behalf of the family of the faculty (teachers, administration and students) our sincere condolences to the family of the deceased, and may God grant him His mercy and complete forgiveness.


Prof. Boumediene Karroum



The Department of Arabic Language and Literature invites all colleagues, teachers, employees and workers to observe a minute of silence in honor of the spirit of the deceased.

The minute of silence will be Thursday 25/10/2018 at 10:00.



Arabic language and literature Department

Open days on the supervision cell.






Tutoring: 21/10/2018

Open Day at the Department of Foreign Languages.

Photos illustrating the reception given to 1st year students, in the presence of tutors and administrative staff under the supervision of the cell tutoring.







Organization of a blood donation campaign

Faculty of Literature and Languages

the first tranche.

At the initiative of the student organization "Alliance for the National Renewal of Students A R E N"
A blood drive campaign was organized at the Faculty of Literature and Languages (first tranche), starting at 9 am and continuing until 4 pm with 120 donors.


For humanitarian aid












The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the mother of the Colleague 

Rahoui Houcine

The family of the faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.





 We Informs the members of the Scientific Committee, as well as the professors of the department that the Scientific Committee will be held Sunday, October 7, 2018, at: 10:30.

Chairman of the Scientific Committee








It is brought to the attention of all the students and professors of the Faculty - all levels - who wish to register at the library, that they are invited to join us from 09/09/2018 accompanied by the following documents:

1 - Two pictures

2- A copy of the national identity card

3 - A copy of the certificate of registration and the certificate of work for the professors

4-  Phone number and e-mail


   Note: Renewal of the card for the participants (certificate of registration)