Events 16-09-2019

Latest news of vice deanship of graduation 2020-2021




For second year students –master-


  It is brought to the attention of the students, who will be graduating with a master's degree this year, that they must extract the Discharge from the library, along with the following documents:

  • The library card.
  • A copy of the report of the defense.
  • A copy of the correction report.
  • A (CD) in PDF format of the thesis and the summaries in languages: (Arabic, English, French) with keywords (06 words).




Internship for permanent professors and unpaid doctoral students.

               As part of the preparation of short-term training courses (higher level - advanced training - and scientific vacations), please inform teachers and students of the opening of applications for the courses.

Applications must be filed exclusively on the following electronic portal:


From June 08, 2021 to July 15, 2021. 






The deadline for transfers for graduates before 2020 has been extended until 25/12/2020.

Link to the form:





Announcement concerning the academic year 2020-2021


            The Faculty of Languages and literature of the University of Tlemcen informs students that the start of studies will take place according to the following program:

1- Reception of new baccalaureate holders: December 15-16-17, 2020.

2- Beginning of face-to-face classes - for the basic and methodological modules, from Saturday 19/12/2020.

3- The first wave: first year + second year license.


Note: The schedule can be downloaded later from the faculty's website or from the official page via Facebook.






Registrations process: academic year 2020-2021


In order to make it easier for our students who have not been able to come to the faculty to complete the re-enrollment process due to transport or for another reason, they can pay the contributions through the postal services by:

And send the payment receipt to the following email:



The 2020/2021 academic year


            The Faculty of literatures and Languages informs students that the registration process for Master 1 will start on Wednesday 12/02/2020.

Category concerned:

1- 2020 Graduates, all specialties (field: Arabic language and literature; arts; French, English, Spanish)

2- Graduated students from the Faculty of literatures and Languages, University of Tlemcen.


            The Faculty of literatures and Languages informs students that the registration process for the second and third year of the license will begin on Thursday 03/12/2020 until Thursday 10/12/2020.

Category concerned:

All specialties (field: Arabic language and literature; arts; French, English, Spanish).


The presentation of an application for the master's competition for the title of the academic year 2020-2021, category 20% (classic system and previous graduates).


Cover letter for the Department of Arabic Language and literature.


هـــام جدا: آخر أجل يوم 2020/12/06





             It is brought to attention of the students that the reintegration process for the 2020/2021 academic year (after an academic leave) has started from Wednesday November 18 to Thursday December 17, 2020.

Required file documents:

  • Written request.
  • A copy of the baccalaureate transcript.
  • Certificate of the last registration.
  • A certificate justifying the suspension of studies.






 les inscriptions définitives ( remise de l’attestation d'inscription et de la carte d'étudiant et récupération de l'original du baccalauréat) se déroulent au niveau de l'auditorium de la faculté de médecine. 



Registration and transfer forms (Bac before 2020)





Schedule for academic year 2019/2020

Download vice deanship of graduation

- Déclaration des baccalauréats obtenus et des études poursuivies

- Demande d’annulation définitive d’inscription

- Demande d’inscription à un second diplôme

- Demande d’inscription_bac antèrieur ou jamais inscrit

- Demande d’inscription_Pour diplômé de DEUA et du système classique

- Demande d’un Congé Académique

- Demande de document administratif

- Demande de reprise des études après interruption

- fiche de transfert_etudiant de nationalite etrangere

-Quitus Congé Académique ou annulation d’inscription

- إستمارة طلب التحويل

- شهــــــــــــادة التخلــــــي عـــن الدراســــــــة

- شهــــــــــــادة الشطب النهائي من سجلات الكلية

- شهــــــــــــادة الوضعية التأديبية للطالب

- شهــــــــــــادةإدارية


Arrêté N0 711 fixant les règles d’organisation et de gestion pédagogiques communes aux études universitaire en vue d’obtention des diplômes de licence et de master.
- Arrêté N0 712 fixant les modalités d’évaluation, de progression et d’orientation dans les cycles d’études en vue d’obtention des diplômes de licence et de master.
Arrêté N0 71 4 fixant les modalités de classement des étudiants.
Arrêté N 329 modifiant l'arrêté 191 fixant l'organisation de la formation troisième cycle en vue de l’obtention du doctorat.
Guide LMD
- برامج الأقسام 
تصريح شرفي
بطاقة الاستعلامات
شهادة عدم المثول أمام المجلس التأديبي
إستمارة طلب التحويل
المقرر الوزاري رقم 363 المتضمن شروط التسجيل في الدراسات الجامعية لنيل شهادة الماستر
المقرر الوزاري رقم 364 المتضمن شروط وكيفيات التحاق حاملي شهادة الدراسات الجامعية التطبيقة بالتكوين لنيل شهادة الليسانس