Schedule of the translation sectionfirdt semester 2019-2020
Avis aux étudiants qui n’ont pas soutenus leurs mémoires durant l’année universitaire 2018/2019
Nous portons connaissance aux étudiants qui n'ont pas encore soumis et soutenus leurs mémoires, qu'une deuxième session a été ouverte pour les soutenances, et cela du 03 au 30 septembre 2019.
Nb: Tout retard exposera l'étudiant à se réinscrire et à refaire l'année.
Nous informons l’ensemble des étudiants en M2/S3 Traduction (Arabe-Anglais-Arabe), que le dernier délai des réinscriptions sera le 19/09/2019, et par la suite les cours débuteront officiellement le 22/09/2019, par conséquence toute absence à partir de cette date sera prise en considération.
Timetable of remedial exams for the second semester -2018/2019-
إعلان لطلبة السنة الثالثة ليسانس إنجليزية
تعلم إدارة شعبة الترجمة الطلبة المعنيون أن يوما توجيهيا سوف يقام لفائدتهم من أجل شرح وتفسير طريقة وشروط الالتحاق بشعبة الترجمة، ماستر تخصص عربي/إنجليزي/عربي. وذلك يوم الاثنين 08/07/2019 بالمدرج 2.
The schedule of exams-second semester- 2018-2019
It is brought to the attention of students in Master 2 that the deadline of defenses will be the 02/07/2019.
في إطار الإجراءات الإدارية قبل وبعد المناقشة
Tlemcen Research Unit - The Reality of Linguistics and the Development of Language Studies in Arab Countries
Translation Section - University of Tlemcen
A scientific seminar on:
"Translation and tourism development"
April 28, 2019
In the conference room at the Department of Foreign Languages
From 9am
Timetable of remedial exams for the first semester -2018/2019
An educational seminar was led by Dr “ Benaissa Ibtissem”
on 13/02/2019 at Translation section,
Entitled: "Translation Studies: From Theory to Application''.
Schedule of translation section S2 2018-2019
An educational seminar was led by Dr Belgarnine Abdelkader and student Kamara Idrissi on 19/12/2019 at Translation section,
Entitled:'' Introduction to Research Data in Social Sciences ''.

The schedule of exams-first semester- 2018-2019
A seminar for master's students in Arabic / English / Arabic Translation, was led by Dr. Benmokhtari Hichem of Khmis Meliana University, and Mrs. Sifi Hayet (University of Tlemcen) on 26/11/2018
"The role of documentary research in the training and work of the specialized translator"
Timetable of translation section M1+M2 - Translation Arabic / English / Arabic-
It is brought to the attention of all students of Master 2 specialized Arabic / English / Arabic translation, that they can begin to fill and deposit the "submission form of the subject of the thesis ", at the level of the secretariat of the section from: Sunday 14/10/2018 to Thursday 18 / 10/2018.
The students are informed that the topics will be presented to the scientific committee of the department and that the results will be presented to students immediately after the end of their studies.
-Final Nominative list of admitted- Master 1- Translation Arabic / English / Arabic-
-Waiting list-
University of Tlemcen
Faculty of Letters and Languages
Department of English and Section of Translation
A National Study Day on:
New Trends in Teaching
Foreign Languages
Headed by:
Dr. Abderrahmane BASSOU andDr.Nadia BOULAKDEM
Under the Supervision of
Prof.KerroumBoumedien (Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Languages)
Notice to students in master 2 / S3:
It is brought to the attention of the concerned students that the classes officially started on Sunday 09/09/2018; therefore any absence will be taken into consideration.
Notice to students in master 2:
We inform Master 2 students, who have not yet submitted their memories, that a second session has been opened for the sustenance and this from 02 to 30 September 2018.
NB: Any delay will expose the student to re-register and repeat the year.
Schedule of translation section S1 2018-2019