Research 30-09-2024




حاضنة أعمال




إجراء دورة ثانية للانتخابات الخاصة بتجديد تشكيل اللجان المتساوية الأعضاء الخاصة

بسلك الأساتذة الباحثين والأساتذة الباحثين الاستشفائيين الجامعيين وذلك يوم الأحد 09 مارس 2025. وعليه ندعو جميع

الأساتذة الناخبين للاقتراع حسب تعيينهم على مستوى الكلية التابعين لها.




بمناسبة ذكرى يوم الشهيد 
تنظم كلية الاداب و اللغات بالتنسيق مع 
تكتل الطلبة الجزائريين الاحرار نشاط  ببهو الكلية.هذه التظاهرة
يوم 18/02/2025 ابتداءا من الساعة 11 
حيث تم برمجة مسابقة في الشعر و المخاطرة
و المشاركة لجميع الطلبة
حضوركم يشرفنا



مكان الإقتراع محخل كلية الآداب و اللغات الشطر الأول و الثاني

(اللغات الأجنبية )



Supervision Cell - Department of Arts –


We inform all teachers wishing to join the supervision cell that they must register in the cell before Friday, January 24, 2024, in order to guarantee their participation in the activities of the academic year 2024/2025.

            To register, please click on the link below

Thank you for your cooperation



The date of receipt of the articles.

Researchers are informed that the Journal of Letters and Languages will accept articles from January 20 to January 31, 2025.

 Please adhere to the submission guidelines and publication conditions.

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Meliani

Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Letters and Languages.














Announcement to staff regarding the updating of postal Check numbers.




People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

University Abu Bekr Belkaid –Tlemcen

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Research laboratory: Customs and forms of popular expression in Algeria


National forum:


“Popular heritage and the question of methodology in the logic of the Algerian narrative: Professor Abdelhamid Bourayou as an example”.


November 23-24, 2024

Conference room of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.



Links that explain the access to the Moodle platform for students.


The Algerian Free Students' Association organized an event to mark the 70th anniversary of the start of the glorious revolution and the 50th anniversary of the creation of the University of Tlemcen.

The event was held in the hall of the Arabic language and literature department, where a live testimony was presented by a moudjahida from the Tlemcen region.

The event was attended by the Dean of the faculty, the general secretary and the head of the Arabic language and literature department.



In commemoration of November 1, the 70th anniversary of the glorious liberation revolution,

                 On Monday, November 4, 2024, the “Agadir “Literary Club of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature organized a cultural event featuring an art exhibition, creative readings, and a theatrical performance.
                The event took place in the presence of the Dean, his assistants, the department’s administrative staff, professors, and a large number of students.

May God grant mercy to our martyrs.



Event of November 1st

Thursday, October 31,

Hall of the Faculty of Arts and Languages

Club «Simorgh»



The University of Tlemcen, through the i2E student business incubator, is organizing awareness days for Master 2 students interested in integrating into Ministerial Decree No. 1275 for the startup diploma/patent diploma for the 2024/2025 academic year, as well as for supervising teachers.

These awareness days will take place on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, 29/10/2024 at the Faculty of Technology, starting at 2:00 p.m., in the PhD defense room.
  • Wednesday, October 30, 2024,in the amphitheater of the new central library (the bypass), starting at 10:00 AM (for all four faculties of the campus).
  • Wednesday, October 30, 2024,in Room 19 May at the Bouhanak University Center, starting at 2:00 PM (for the two faculties of the campus).

The program will include the following elements:

  • Presentation of the missions of university interfaces, business incubators, entrepreneurial development centers, technology and innovation support centers, the role of artificial intelligence, and the liaison office between the institution and the university.
  • Overview of Ministerial Decree No. 1275, implementation procedures, discussion modalities, startup and micro-enterprise creation processes, patent requests, etc.

This invitation is extended to all Master 2 students from all specialties and to all supervising teachers of the 2024-2025 final thesis projects.



                The Personnel Department of the Faculty of Letters and Languages informs all staff members about the opening of promotion positions based on qualifications, in accordance with the Human Resources Management Plan for the year 2024, for the following ranks:
• Administrator Analyst
• Administrator
• Senior Administrative Attaché
• Senior Executive Secretary
• State Engineer in Computer Science

Promotion is subject to the conditions specified for each rank.




All those interested in voting must bring their identity card, student card or professional card.



The Simorgh Club, of the French Language Department in collaboration with the head and teachers of the department, organized a campaign to clean up the teaching rooms of the department.

On Thursday, 03 October 2024




All (temporary) teachers who have taught overtime in previous years are informed that they must submit a written request, approved by the head of department. As for new teachers who wish to teach overtime, should contact the person in charge of overtime (Ms Nadira).



Announcement to professors and staff of the Faculty.


Professors and employees of the Faculty are requested to bring to the Finance Department, a family certificate and a school certificate for their apprentice children.

Deadline: 10/31/2024.