Information 19-09-2017

Latest news of French language department 2017-2018



Schedule of the frensh Department S1 2018-2019





You can apply for a Master's degree, specialties:

- Didactics

- Literature

- Language sciences


For access to Master 1, for the 2018/2019 academic year, an online registration is required through the platform:  


Master 1 Registration Schedule:

- From 28 June to 12 July 2018: applications are submitted on the platform

- From 13 July to 06 September 2018: processing of requests by institutions

- From 09 to 14 September 2018: validation of the assignment by the candidates


The head of department







Students concerned by the make- up exams for the second semester


The make-up exams of the day of Thursday 07/06/2018 will take place on Wednesday 13/06/2018 (same modules, same hours, and same rooms.)





 Results of the second half   2017/2018 - The deliberations -





M1 - Didactics of French Language-

 M1- French Language and Literature-

  M1-Sciences of Language-




Timetable of remedial exams second semester 2017-2018





 The Deadline for submission of Master 2 theses (imperative date)

Is Monday, 11 June 2018 (between 10 am, and 1 pm)

At the registrar's office

Students are asked to contact their research director as soon as possible








University of tlemcen

Faculty of languages and literatures

French language department

Research Laboratories (L.L.C & DYLANDIMED)

SEMINARS CYCLE for the year 2018 / Doctoral training

sixth seminar

 April 24th 2018 at 09.00 

At: conference room -French department-



Speech Analysis and Francophone Media Practices -Theoretical and methodological elements-“


Seminar hosted by Professor Abdelkader SAYAD

 Professor at Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University - Mostaganem

Researcher at CRASC (Center for Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology)



            University of tlemcen

Faculty of languages and literatures

French language department

Research Laboratories (L.L.C & DYLANDIMED)

SEMINARS CYCLE for the year 2018 / Doctoral training

fifth seminar

 April 23th 2018 at 09.00 

At: conference room -French department-



from novel writing to film writing Two distinct semiotic systems”

Seminar hosted by Mrs. Hanane SAYAD EL BACHIR

Professor at Ahmed Ben Ahmed University – Oran2-

Researcher at CRASC (Center for Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology)




Note to Master 2 students in all specialties

Subject: Opening of the first session of the Master 2 sustenance (2017/2018)


We inform students of Master 2 that the deadline to deposit memoirs is:

 May 02, 2018 to June 21, 2018 (deadline of deposit)

The sustenance will take place between the:

May 08, 2018 and the 1st. July 2018

 Terms of deposit:

Before the sustenance, the student will have to deposit three copies to the administration (paper format - copies for the members of the sustenance jury), a CD (single file format word), the tracking sheet as well as the authorization of printing signed by the supervisor. (The sustenance will be made as and when deposits - see bulletin board schooling).

After the sustenance, the student will have to file a final copy corrected according to the comments of the members of the jury and validated by the supervisor. The names of the members of the jury must be mentioned.


NB: All plagiarism will be sanctioned





The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the father of the Colleague 


The family of department (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.



University of tlemcen

Faculty of languages and literatures

French language department

Research Laboratories (L.L.C & DYLANDIMED)

SEMINARS CYCLE for the year 2018 / Doctoral training

Fourth seminar

Thursday, April 19th 2018 at 09.00 

At: conference room -French department-



“Criticism of the human sciences, methods and practices”

Seminar hosted by Mrs. TEBBANI Lynda-Nawel

University of Lorraine-Metz

Doctor in literature, researcher at the Laboratory of Scriptures specialist of Algerian literature. She is also a novelist


University of tlemcen

Faculty of languages and literatures

French language department

Research Laboratories (L.L.C & DYLANDIMED)

SEMINARS CYCLE for the year 2018 / Doctoral training

Third seminar

Wednesday, April 18th 2018 at 09.00 

At: conference room -French department-



Critical study of the Maghreb’s novel / contemporary Algerian”

Seminar hosted by Mrs. TEBBANI Lynda-Nawel

University of Lorraine-Metz

Doctor in literature, researcher at the Laboratory of Scriptures specialist of Algerian literature. She is also a novelist




Faculty of languages and literatures

French language department

Research Laboratory (L.L.C.).

Second Study Day: "Young Researchers"

May 10, 2018



Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University Abon Bekr Belkaid – Tlemcen
Faculty of Letter and Language
Research Laboratory L.L.C

CFP: Gender and Identity in (Post) Colonial Discourse




Timetable of remedial exams first semeste2017-2018





The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the father of the Colleague 

Mme. BENZENINE Nesrine,

The family of department (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.



Schedule of the English Department-second semester-ACADEMIC YEAR 2017-2018



Time schedules for the first semester exams





Procedures and rules of access to the Doctoral LMD




The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the father of the Colleague 

Mme. Mme. BENAMAR Rabéa

The family of department (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.




French department

Literature, Textual Linguistics and Didactics of Literature

Languages, Literatures and Teaching Practices


Lists of students admitted to Master 1 2017-2018


Schedule of the French Department


