Publication rules:
The scientific body of the journal welcomes all items that are available with the following conditions:
- The articleis authentic,and has not beenpublishedbeforeandis not presentedfor publication inanother place.
- Make sure you set the Quran verses and the hadiths verses and unfamiliar words and are necessary to adjust.
- The articlemust includea separate sheetfor thebrief biographyof the researcher(phone,e-mail ...).
- Treatthe language, use strongwords andwith allmentions andreferences at the endof the study, as it is shown to thelist of sources and
- Thetopicsarepublished in the reviewreflectthe viewsof researchers,andthe journalhas no responsibility.
- The work must be in format (Word) Online Traditional Arabic No. 18 and notes (Manual) number: 14 in a CD-ROM with a copied paper. But not more than (20) pages.
- Selectionand publication ofarticles inthe magazineare subject tostrict and precisescientific standards.
- The studies and research that reach to the magazine will not be returned to their owners, published or not published.
Editorial Board:
Researchers are sent to the following address:
The review of literatures and languages.
Faculty of literatures and languages
Address: B.P 124 - B.P 138 Tlemcen.
Email: faclettre@mail.univ-tlemcen.dz