Quality assurance
- Introduction:
To support the implementation of the reform and modernization of higher education, and through the partnership with the European Union (EU) and Algeria, it was agreed the implementation of a Support program Sector policy of Higher Education and Scientific Research
SPS-HESR is a program managed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research co-funded by Algeria and the European Union.
The program mainly targets the accompaniment and support of key sector reforms in order to modernize the university system by developing mechanisms for integrating young people into the world of business, capacity building of academic institutions and improving the quality of education.
The program includes six results:
- Quality assurance
- Information system
- Human resources
- Doctoral School
- LMD Training Offer
- Rapprochement University- Enterprise
The University of Tlemcen, pilot site with five other Algerian universities Constantine, Skikda, Algiers 1, Boumerdes and Oran), is concerned with the first result (R1): Quality Assurance. For this a Quality Assurance Manager (QAM) was appointed and a Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) was established.
The role of the cell is the establishment of a self-assessment system within the respective faculties. To do an internal evaluation team is installed in each faculty.
- The Internal Evaluation Team:
For the implementation of the QA program in the Language and Literature Faculty, English sector was chosen as a pilot sector to carry out this experiment. For this, an internal evaluation team with seven teachers and two students has been installed.
- Tasks Performed
Since its launch during this academic year (2013/2014), internal evaluation team under the supervision of his QAC has implemented quality tools to enable teachers of the concerned industry to improve their teaching practices. Its tools are as follows:
- Syllabus:
A model syllabus was distributed to teachers to use it to their respective modules beginning of each semester to detail the content of the course, these objectives, the references used in the development of the course, evaluation methods and other important points that facilitate teaching and learning of the matter in question.
- Evaluation Questionnaire of education by Students:
A questionnaire on education was given to the teachers at the end of the first and second half. Teachers in their towers handed the questionnaires to their students to feel them and hand them to their teachers for evaluation.
- Tasks in Progress:
To enable this program to be completed, the internal evaluation team is in the process of collecting information relating to the areas of education and governance. To achieve its goal, the internal evaluation team has distributed a questionnaire to all the English first-year students. A second questionnaire was distributed to teachers in the section.
Vice Dean of the graduation Vice Dean of the post graduation, and the Head of Department were also given questionnaires with questions on the provision of training and governance. In parallel, the team is in the process of collecting evidence relating to the provision of training and administrative practice at the Rector, vice deanship and using a repository built by the QAR and QAC University of Tlemcen under the supervision of an expert hired to accompany this program.
- Upcoming spots:
After collecting various information about the formation and governance, quality team (QAC + internal evaluation team) will analyze the data, interpret and identify existing deviations from the framework used, and then finally writing a Manual quality suitable for Literature and Languages faculty.
- Conclusion
So what has been done so far in the field of Quality Assurance in the Literature and Languages faculty. Nevertheless, we would like more effort on the part of everyone in order to one day gather the fruit of this approach and see our University access the most advanced ranks in the quality of teaching and scientific research.
Note: For more information please contact Mr. Abderrahmane BASSOU, Quality Assurance Manager of the Faculty at the following email address: bassol2000@yahoo.fr