Timetable for the first semester 2024/2025

Schedule of remedial exam -second semester- 2023-2024
Schedule of remedial exam -first semester- 2023-2024
Schedule of compensation exams of the second semester 2023/2024
Timetable for the second semester exams of the 2023-2024 academic year
Schedule of remedial exam -master 2-
First event of the club Simorg ,organized on February 13, 2024.
The French department of the faculty of letters and languages was the spectacle of a premiere event of the Simorgh club organized on February 13th. It is, in fact, a first of its kind bringing together flourishing energies that aspire to renewal in a participatory action approach. Uniting around a humanitarian action, a sort of ''helping hand''.
The Simorgh Club organized a blood donation day, in which 81 blood bags were collected
we would like warmly, on behalf of Mr.Ghouti Hadjoui, the Dean of the Faculty of Letters and languages , Mr. Benaissa Azeddine the vice-dean and particularly the head of the French department Smain Benmansour, to thank all the members of the Simorgh club for their participatory actions, wishing them full development and better prospects.
Timetable for the second semester 2023/2024
Timetable for the first semester exams of the 2023-2024 academic year
Lists of students by group.
Timetable for the first semester 2023/2024