Research 27-10-2021

Latest news of vice deanship of post-graduation2021-2022





       قصد التحضير لفتح المجال للحركية العلمية قصيرة المدى بالخارج (التربصات)، الخاصة بالأساتذة الدائمين و طلبة الدكتوراه غير الأجراء المسجلين بالانتظام بدءا من التسجيل الثاني،  بعنوان السنة المالية 2022 يشرفني أن أعلمكم أن الترشحات ستكون من 11 سبتمبر إلى 29  سبتمبر 2022 على أن يكون ايداع الملفات حصريا 
على البوابة الالكترونية
مع خالص المودة
محمد ملياني
 عميد كلية الآداب واللغات جامعة تلمسان


Competition for access to training of the 3rd cycle “Doctorate 2021/2022»

MARCH 5, 2022 / March 12, 2022

Letter of Thanks, Recognition and Appreciation to the professor,Staff and Students of the Faculty.

I extend my sincere thanks and gratitude to the professor, staff, security guards and students of the faculty for their good cooperation during the full two weeks of the national doctoral competition, in which we have seen only a strong determination and a spirit of giving.

The Dean.



Congratulations to the winners





Concours d’accès au 3ème cycle doctorat année universitaire 2021-2022

Toutes nos félicitations aux lauréats

du 26 FÉVRIER  / 5 MARS 2022 / 12 Mars 2022



Instructions for the doctoral competition.


Explaining video of the doctoral competition process.





Doctoral thesis defense - Arabic language and literature department -

Congratulations to student -Ahmed Attiya- for the defense of his doctoral thesis.

Thursday 28/10/2021



Suggested designs and general plan for doctoral research projects of students of the Faculty of literature and Languages, University of Tlemcen.





The doctoral week at the Faculty of Letters and Languages, University of Tlemcen


Continuation of the doctoral week activities at the Faculty of literature and Languages, University of Tlemcen, in the presence of the Rector of the University, the Dean of the Faculty of literature and Languages and his assistants.




I extend my sincere congratulations, on behalf of myself and the family of the Faculty of literature and Languages, to student Chakkal Al-Hadi, a doctoral student in English, for obtaining the first place at the University of Tlemcen in Doctoral Week, held from October 17 to 23, 2021, wishing him and all the students of the faculty more success and scientific progress.
            Thank you to all those responsible for good governance and the good efforts of a week to make this exceptional scientific event.

Mohamed Meliani
Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Languages



Announcement to doctoral students

D1- D2- D3

            The vice dean of the post graduation informs doctoral students of:

2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021,

That they must register on the doctoral week platform which will take place from October 17 to 21, 2021.

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