It is with a great sadness and heartfelt that the faculty’ family has learned about the death of:
the…............of our colleague BENAISSA Azeddine.
Following this news, we send our profound sympathies and most sincere condolences to our colleague and to the family of the deceased.
إنّا لله و إنّا إليه راجعون
A/S oopération Algéro-Coréenne2020
قرار رقم 804 مؤرخ في 14 جويلية 2021
les dispositions relatives à l'obtention de l'habilitation universitaire
تهنئة بمناسبة الترقية إلى رتبة أستاذ
بمناسبة الترقية لمصاف الأستاذية عن جدارة واستحقاق، والذي كلل سنوات من البحث والتدريس يتقدم عميد كلية الآداب واللغات أصالة عن نفسه ونيابة عن كل أعضاء هيئة التدريس وكذا الطاقم الإداري وكل الطلبة والطالبات بأحر التهاني وأزكى التبريكات إلى كل من:
أ.د بلبشير عبد الرزاق.
أ.د بن يحيى فتيحة
أ.د سعيدي نسيمة.
أ.د نقادي محمد نسيم
أ.د بوعبدالله نعيمة
أ.د عزوق عمر
أ.د جباري زكية
أ.د حمزة رقيق وسيلة
أ.د وحدي دمرجي عويشة
أ.د بلقايد عمارية
أ. د بوزار حبيبة
أ.د رحوي حسين
أ.د بولقدام نادية
The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the sun of the Colleague MEZIANE Amel
Following this news, we send our most sincere condolences to our colleague and to the family of the deceased.
إنّا لله و إنّا إليه راجعون
Programmes de bourses du DAAD
AUF/concours international d'entrepreneuriat étudiants : 60 secondes pour convaincre.

اجتماع تنسيقي و تشاوري وتوجيهي لمخابر البحث بكلية الآداب واللغات

It is brought to the attention of the students of the faculty that elections for the representation of students on the Board of Directors of the faculty will be organized on May 26, 2021 from nine in the morning until three in the evening.
Therefore, the elections for students of the departments of: literature and Arabic Language and Arts will be in the first tranche, while students from the French, English, Translation and Spanish departments will be in the third tranche (foreign languages).
« Shinining arts » club.
The Club «Shinining Arts» celebrated the National Student Day 19 May 1956 at the Faculty of Literature and Languages of Tlemcen University, with the noticeable presence of the students of the faculty; so more brilliance and success for the club.



Congratulations on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr
The dean of the Faculty of Letters and Languages, the professor. Dr. Meliani Mohammed sends sincere congratulations and best wishes to all teachers, students and staff on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr. We ask Almighty Allah to accept fasting, prayer and good deeds from us and from you.
Seminar on Drugs and Cybercrime
On Thursday 06/05/2021, the Faculty of Letters and Languages of the University of Tlemcen in coordination with the Security Services of the willaya, organized conferences for the benefit of students on the scourge of drugs and cybercrime .
These conferences had a positive impact, so thank you to everyone who contributed to this event.

Ministerial Resolution No. 55 of January 21, 2021, which defines the exceptional provisions authorized in the field of the organization and educational management, the assessment and transfer of students in the Covid-19 period under the title of the year academic 2020-2021.
The competition of -November 1, 1954 - for the year 2021.
On April 11, 2021, Abi Bakr Belkaid University in Tlemcen held a ceremony in honor of students who won national titles and students with science projects on the occasion of Science Day, with the participation of active clubs of the Faculty of Letters and Languages.
Thanks to everyone.
كلية الآداب واللغات جامعة أبي بكر بلقايد تلمسان
تتوج بمجلتين اثنين مجلة الآداب واللغات و مجلة دراسات فنية التابعة لمخبر الفنون والدراسات الثقافة
في تصنيف ج
convention cadre de formation des étudiants aux premiers secours.
The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the mother of the Colleague Hamdia Zedam.
Following this news, we send our most sincere condolences to our colleague and to the family of the deceased.
إنّا لله و إنّا إليه راجعون
As part of its cultural activities, the statistical analysis in the human science and the preparation of a joined dictionary laboratory, organized a study day, on “The linguistic efforts of Abd el-Jalil Mortad”, in appreciation of the efforts made by the researcher in order to advance scientific and cognitive research.


The Dean of the Faculty of Literature and Languages, on behalf of Professors and Staff, offers his congratulations to all those who have passed the doctoral competition, in the two specialties: Arts and English.
He also thanked all those who participated in this contest. In particular, the Questions Preparation Committee, the Correction Committee, the Doctoral Training Committee, the Organizing Committee, the Custody Committee and the Encryption Committee, this ensured that the competition was national, fair and transparent with distinction.
So we thank all the professors who have collaborated with us from all the universities of the country; remain faithful to your noble profession, and loyal friends of the University of Tlemcen.
The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the father of the Colleague Yachir Khira.
Following this news, we send our most sincere condolences to our colleague and to the family of the deceased.
إنّا لله و إنّا إليه راجعون
Inscription on the platform research.dz
Manuel of use
Announcement to university professors to apply for functional housing.
Concerning posts of work:” translator and interpreter”.
At the level of the Commission of the African Union, based in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.
It is brought to the attention of interested employees that they can submit their application at the level of Vice-rectorate in charge of external relations.
New databases
The SNDL / CERIST team is pleased to inform you that the following databases:
“Scopus, Taylor-Francis, Wiley, E-marefa, EBSCO host, Mathscient, Clinicalkey, Science Direct, Springer Link, Springer Materials, IEEE, ACM digital library, Cairn, Z.B.math”, are accessible via the SNDL portal, to access please consult:
National Platform for Distance Education for First-Year Students L.M.D 2020-2021
The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research made available to first-year students, a national platform for distance education, which contains more than 800 lessons in 14 training domains.
A guide to accessing the national platform for distance learning.
Link to the national platform for distance education:
Planning CSF/CS
Student researcher Lotfi Berbar discusses his doctoral thesis
Research student Lotfi Berbar discussed his doctoral thesis in the Spanish language at the Faculty of literature and Languages of the Abi Bakr Belkaid University in Tlemcen, the first thesis at the level of the Spanish section.
The discussion committee was composed of: Dr Ben Sahla Thani Sidi Mohamed as chair, Professor Dr Zerrouki Saliha as supervisor, Dr Sals Gonzales Carlos as deputy supervisor, Dr Ounan Ahmed as member and Dr Saim Houari as a member.
Student researcher Berbar Lotfi received a doctorate with very honorable appreciation, with congratulations from committee members.

Teams Guide
On Thursday 07/01/2021, the Faculty of Languages and literature received the director of the University of Tlemcen in an open dialogue to discuss the reality and the objectives of the university in order to push it towards development, and it was a productive meeting.

The seventh virtual edition of the National University Monologue Festival.
Invitation to participate in the National University Monologue Festival.
At the English Department of the University of Tlemcen, student Khadija Belaskari (from the University of Saida) presented her doctoral thesis, under the supervision of Professor Ali Baich. The theme of the thesis focused on the problem of the linguistic interaction of doctors with patients and the conversations that take place during the first medical consultations in hospitals in the city of Sidi Bel Abbas. The thesis is entitled:
"Interactional asymmetry in doctor-patient communication in Algeria"
After the deliberations, the student researcher Khadija Balskari received a doctorate with a very honorable appreciation, with the congratulations of the members of the committee.
Congratulations Khadija for your success.
Letter of thanks to the entire community of Tlemcen University.
Operational method of managing the 2020-2021 academic year.
تلقينا ببالغ الحزن والرضى بقضاء الله وقدره نبأ وفاة أم زوج السيدة مزيان أمال
وبهذا المصاب الجلل نتقدم باحر تعازينا لزميلتنا وكل العائلة الكريمة راجين من الله عز وجل ان يتغمد الفقيدة برحمته الواسعة
انا لله وانا اليه راجعون
تلقينا ببالغ الحزن والرضى بقضاء الله وقدره نبأ وفاة عمة الأستاذ الدكتور رضوان بشير
وبهذا المصاب الجلل نتقدم باحر تعازينا لزميلنا وكل العائلة الكريمة راجين من الله عز وجل ان يتغمد الفقيد برحمته الواسعة
انا لله وانا اليه راجعون
تلقينا ببالغ الحزن والرضى بقضاء الله وقدره نبأ وفاة والد الأستاذ شريف كرمة
وبهذا المصاب الجلل نتقدم باحر تعازينا لزميلنا وكل العائلة الكريمة راجين من الله عز وجل ان يتغمد الفقيد برحمته الواسعة
انا لله وانا اليه راجعون
The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the father of the Colleague Essam Jadid.
Following this news, we send our most sincere condolences to our colleague Essam and to the family of the deceased.
إنّا لله و إنّا إليه راجعون
The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the brother of our colleague administrative Shewardia Zainab
Following this news, we send our most sincere condolences to our colleague and to the family of the deceased.
إنّا لله و إنّا إليه راجعون
The Dean of the Faculty of Languages and literature on his name and on behalf of all the professors, as well as the administrative staff and all the students, sends his warmest congratulations to all the teachers of the faculty, promoted to the rank of Professor after years of research and teaching; wishing them more success on a personal and professional level.
Teacher. Dr. Ben Ammar Rabiaa, professor at the French Language Department.
Teacher. Dr / Brahmi Fatima, professor in the French language department.
Teacher. Dr kacimi Nassima, professor in the French language department
Teacher. Dr / Ben Mustafa Nawal, professor in the English Language Department.
The 2020/2021 academic year
The Faculty of literatures and Languages informs students that the registration process for Master 1 will start on Wednesday 12/02/2020.
Category concerned:
1- 2020 Graduates, all specialties (field: Arabic language and literature; arts; French, English, Spanish)
2- Graduated students from the Faculty of literatures and Languages, University of Tlemcen.
The Faculty of literatures and Languages informs students that the registration process for the second and third year of the license will begin on Thursday 03/12/2020 until Thursday 10/12/2020.
Category concerned:
All specialties (field: Arabic language and literature; arts; French, English, Spanish).
The official page of the Faculty of literature and Languages
The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the father of the Colleague
The family of the faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.
The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the sun of the Colleague
The family of the faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.
Consultation Notice No. 01/2020
Closing program for the year 2019/2020
Nominative lists of the scientific council of the faculty and of the scientific committees of the departments
The 2021/2020 academic year
Students enrolled in the master
The Faculty of literatures and Languages informs its students that the re-registration process will begin on Tuesday 17/11/2020 until 26/12/2020.
The 2021/2020 academic year
Doctoral students
The Faculty of literatures and Languages informs its students that the re-registration process will begin on Tuesday 17/11/2020 until 01/12/2020.
The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the father of the Colleague
The family of the faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.
The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the father of the Colleague
The family of the faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.
The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the son of the Colleague
Mme BOUR Fateme
The family of the faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.
Congratulations on Student Day May 19
On the occasion of Students' Day, May 19 of each year, the Dean of the Faculty of literature and Languages present to the university family his congratulations and best wishes, wishing dear students a successful journey and that they reach the highest levels of knowledge.
Online courses
It is brought to the attention of the students of the Faculty of literature and Languages that they find the lessons and conferences online especially during this difficult period that the country is going through due to the Corona epidemic, and we remind them that this makes part of the current semester program.
Note: The courses are placed at the distance learning platform of the University of Abu Bakr Belkaid Tlemcen, and this is its link:
The Challenge Club
In the afternoon of March 10, 2020, in the conference room of the Department of Foreign Languages, The Challenge Club for students with special needs organized a presentation of a social film on a girl born with visual impairments and hearing and how the family faces the new situation. The film was followed by a discussion led by trainer Melody Fatima and the activity ended at 4 p.m.

On 04/03/2020, student Abdel-Malik Samira discussed her thesis entitled: "Phonetic detectives in the book of Al-Hajjah for Abu Ali Al-Farsi" in the defense room of the Arabic Language and Literature Department.
She obtained her doctorate degree, mention "Very honorable" and with the congratulations of the jury.

On Thursday 05 March 2020, in the English department of Tlemcen, Student Miss Rawya Menassar presented her doctoral thesis with distinction under the supervision of Dr. Mohammad Naseem Nagadi.
The discussion was interesting on the problem of linguistic planning in Algeria concerning the teaching of English at the primary level of general education with the positions of the interested parties (teachers, parents and pupils) in relation to the predominance of the French language. ; The title of the research is:
“Teaching the English Language in the Algerian Primary Schools: Teachers', Parents' and Pupils' Attitudes”
After presenting and publicly discussing the thesis, student Rawya Menassar obtained her doctorate with the congratulations of the jury.

The "EL Amal" Club, affiliated with the service of cultural and sporting activities of the Faculty of literatures and Languages, will organize on Monday March 02, 2020 in the hall of Foreign Languages department, an exhibition of the book. Also, the student authors of books and participants in the International Book solon will be honored.
Sila 2019
The invitation is general.
National Forum
Entitled: "The Andalusian learned elites in Algeria through the historical context and the geographical area. »
Today, 25/02/2020, Laboratory of Literary and Linguistic Andalusia Studies of the Faculty of Letters and Languages, Abu Bakr Balkaid University - Tlemcen - organized a national forum Entitled: “Andalusian learned elites in Algeria through the historical
context and the geographical area.”, in the conference room in foreign languages department, in the presence of professor Dr. Radwan Bachir The vice-rector and professor Dr. Mohammad Maliani, dean of the faculty.
On this occasion, Dr. Benhachem Khenata was honored in recognition of what she presented to the Faculty of Letters and the University of Tlemcen.

Study day report 20-02-2020
“Incorporating e-learning platforms in higher education to support ESP teaching”
Feather and Pen Club
Feather and Pen Club organized a scientific and cultural activity called "Teaching Skills". For the occasion, the dean of the faculty gave an opening speech.
Intellectual games and exhibitions of artistic works by students from different faculties were also organized.
Date of the activity: Monday, February 24, 2020

The efforts of student Mazyoud Ayoub and the Arts Department were not in vain.
Here are the results:
Faculty of Medicine Club Activity
"Life savers"
The “life savers” club organized an infectious disease awareness day in the hall of the Faculty of Letters and Languages, and the activity was distinguished by the presence of a large number of students, university employees, professors, medical specialists, in the presence of the distinguished dean of the faculty, who took commemorative photos with students and medical specialists. Students from all faculties attended, as well as an effective presence of university clubs.
The activity lasted a full day from ten in the morning to four in the evening on Monday, February 17, 2020.

Arts Department
On February 12, 2020, a group of students from the Department of the Arts, under the supervision of Dr. Henni Karima and accompanied by the head of the cultural and sports activities service of the faculty, moved both to the Department of Arts of the University of Mostaganem and at the Institute of Fine Arts in Mostaganem to attend the activities of the study day:
"Color techniques in digital cinema".

The "EL Amal" Club, affiliated with the service of cultural and sporting activities of the Faculty of literatures and Languages, organizes a contest for the little story, provided that the works are submitted before February 18, 2020, according to the conditions of participation, which are placed on the Facebook page of the Club.

Feather and Pen Club
Feather and Pen Club, affiliated with the service of cultural and sporting activities of the Faculty of literatures and Languages, will return again with a unique activity on Monday, February 24, 2020, to the conference room of the department of foreign languages with multiple activities:
-Lectures on teaching skills, delivered by Hanafi Bouchra.
- Various artistic exhibitions for the works of the students.
- Various entertainment games.
- Various Workshops.
Be on time, the invitation is general

Forestation campaign
The organization - Real- of the University of Abu Bakr Belkaid conducted a forestation campaign at the Faculty of literatures and Languages and in the presence of the dean of the faculty and the heads of the department of Arabic language and literatures and arts department, with teachers and students of the faculty.
February 11, 2020 is a great testament to the commitment of students to their green university.
In the morning of Tuesday 11 February, the "EL Amal" Club, affiliated with the service of cultural and sporting activities of the Faculty of literatures and Languages and in cooperation with the service of the blood bank of Tlemcen hospital, conducted a blood donation campaign, where 120 bags of blood were collected.
The campaign also saw a strong participation of students and the wonderful organization of f members of the Al-Amal Club.
Abu Bakr Belkaid University will participate in the sixth edition of the university's national monologue, organized by the Directorate of University Services from February 18 to 22, 2020.
Represented by the student, Mazyoud Ayoub, from the Arts Department, faculty of literatures and Languages.

The Faculty of literatures and Languages and the "EL Amal" Club of the Cultural and Sports Activities’ service, in collaboration with the University Hospital of Tlemcen, are organizing a blood donation campaign on February 11, 2020.
In the third tranche, Department of Foreign Languages.
Be there: a drop of your blood to help an entire nation.

In cooperation with the service of Cultural and Sports Activities of the Faculty of literatures and Languages, and the "Life Savers" Club, of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tlemcen.
An infectious disease awareness day will be organized at the second tranche faculty court on February 17, 2020.
After having followed a high level academic training in the Arts Department of the Faculty of literatures and Languages, the student Mazioud Ayoub, representative of the University of Tlemcen, will participate in the National Festival of Monologue in its sixth edition, organized by Wadi Souf university services direction between February 18 and 22, 2020.
And that after the great and diligent effort of the head of the arts department, who did everything possible to accept the student's participation within the legal deadlines.
The head of cultural and sports activities: Mustafa Hassan.
The STOFLISH club organizes training sessions and training in conversation in English for all students who wish to improve their conversation in front of the public, Every Monday at the Mohamed Dib library in the third tranche foreign languages department.
“Constant activity without stopping, this is the title of the club's success. »
Stoflish talk is a great opportunity for students to develop their speaking skills and overcome the public speaking
National University Handball Championship
The handball team of the Faculty of literatures and Languages participated in the university preliminaries of the 2019-2020 season of the National University Handball Championship, representing the University of Tlemcen, in the quarterfinals against the distinguished team representing the Center University of Maghnia, in the Ben Mansour room in El Kifan; February 03, 2020.
The start of the interview was honored by the distinguished presence of the Dean of the Faculty, Professor Dr. Meliani Mohammed and Professor Dr. Khaldi Mohammad
The head of service: Mustafa Hassan.
We inform researchers whose articles have been accepted that they must complete the following steps for the article to be scientifically published in issue 27 (February 2020) of the journal of the faculty:
1 / the article references must be included in the digital platform of your faculty review account.
2 / Researchers must put their professional email which demonstrates their affiliation with a university institution.
3 / Researchers must check the spelling of their article.
The editorial committee of the magazine.
The period of reception of scientific articles
We inform all researchers that the deadline for receipt of their articles in issue (27) of the faculty journal is January 31, 2020.
The reception of articles will open again for number (28), from March 1st, 2020 to November 1st, 2020.
The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of themother of the Colleague
Gourari Nabil
The family of the faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.
Academic documentation of national university degrees
The platform link
The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of thea unts of the Co lleagues:
Mr Daoudi Farid
Mr Benmamar Fouad
The family of the faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.
Announcement of the opening of the forty-third (43) session of the National University Committee
Announcement and submission guide for the application file
The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the father of the Colleague
The family of the faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.
The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the mother of the Colleague
The family of the faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.
صلاة الجنازة في المسجد الكبير
الدفن في مقبرة الشيخ السنوسي بعد الضهر يوم 2019/12/21
The training day for new doctoral students, held at the Faculty of Literature and Languages


University of Tlemcen
Faculty of Languages and literatures
Research Laboratory: L.L.C
Study Day
Reflection on the strategies of language teaching
in Higher Schools in Algeria
Which skills for which needs?
February 19th, 2020
(At 30 laboratories building)
The family of the faculty has received with a large and a deep sadness the news of the death of the mother of the Colleague
Mimoune Fethi
The family of the faculty (teachers, administration and students) presents their sincere condolences to the colleague and to the rest of the family of the deceased; and that God give him his mercy and forgiveness complete.
University Abu Bekr Belkaid
Faculty of Languages and literatures
Arabic language and literature department
Sub-Directorate of Cultural and Sports Activities
Feather and pen Club.
the salon of: “pedagogical specialities”
Under the slogan: “serving you is our duty”
November 12th, 2019.
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University of Tlemcen
Laboratory of Literary and Linguistic Andalusia Studies
“Cervantes” and “Don Quijote”, in Algerian modern and contemporary novel.
Cervantes y don Quijote
En la novela argelina contemporánea
08 /12/2019
Foreign languages department
Conference room
The poster of the forum
spanish poster of the forum
University of Tlemcen
Faculty of Languages and literatures
Research Laboratory: L.L.C
Round table: language didactics.
Hosted by:
Meriem Stambouli
Conference professor -ENPO/Oran
Marie Berchoud
Conference professor -Bourgogne/Dijon University
Natalie Charvy
Conference professor -Bourgogne/Dijon University
“Language(s), first knowledge and education”
Foreign languages department
Conference room
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University of Tlemcen
Laboratory of Literary and Linguistic Andalusia Studies
“Andalusian learned elites in Algeria through the historical
context and the geographical area.”
(Attendance, role, destiny.)
Tuesday 17/12/2019
Participation form
The poster of the forum
The supervision cell
Of Arabic language and literature Department
Reception of first year students
It is brought to the attention of all the students and professors of the Faculty - all levels - who wish to register at the library, that they are invited to join us from 15/09/2019 accompanied by the following documents:
1 - Two pictures
2- A copy of the national identity card
3 - A copy of the certificate of registration and the certificate of work for the professors
- Phone number and e-mail
Note: Renewal of the card for the participants (certificate of registration)