Events 07-09-2018

Latest news of English language department 2018-2019





يدعو السيد عميد كلية الآداب و اللغات لجامعة تلمسان كافة الطلبة و الأساتذة لقسم الإنجليزية الالتحاق بقاعات الدروس و هذا غدا الأحد 15 سبتمبر 2019

نرجو من الجميع الأمتثال لهذا القرار لانجاح الدخول الجامعي.




Timetable of remedial exams for the second semester -2018/2019-



The schedule of exams-second semester- 2018-2019



Make up Master Two Exams




 Results of the first half - The deliberations –






Timetable of remedial exams for the first semester -2018/2019-



The schedule of exams-first semester- 2018-2019




Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

University of Tlemcen

Faculty of Letters and Languages

Department of English and Section of Translation



A National Study Day on:

New Trends in Teaching Foreign Languages




Note to Master 1 English students


            The deadline for registration at the level of schooling office is

08/11/2018.After this date no registration is made and non-registered will be removed from the lists retained on the platform –Progress-.




Lists of students M1 



note to L1 students


you are kindly invited to attend an information meeting on the 23 rd of september at 8:30 in the amphi-theatre A2




Lists of students by group-first year license-





Deadline for registrations in Master 2 English

Thursday 13/09/18





Schedule of English language department S1 2018-2019


English department downloads